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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • I’m a man - It’s a good point, and I think that’s the exception to the whole “East Asia is super safe” idea. I can’t say whether it’s better or worse here compared to Europe though, and would like to hear from any women who’ve lived on both sides. I know women who’ve been attacked in both countries. Drink spiking / rape is a problem here but I’m not sure about the comparison. It’s underreported here too.

    Without minimising harassment and sexual assault, women living in Asia still benefit from the overall difference in safety / violence culture - plenty of Asian women are shocked to be robbed and even physically assaulted when visiting Europe. It’s not only perpetrated by men, some of the young women are just as feral…

  • Haven’t moved back to Europe yet, but when visiting I realised how big the difference is, mostly because of the safety / how you have to carry yourself when out and about. There’s so much “minor” or latent violence that’s accepted as normal where I grew up, I didn’t even think about it until I’d lived elsewhere.

    In Seoul you don’t have to watch your bag or laptop in a cafe, you don’t have to check behind you while using an ATM, you don’t have to check your surroundings before pulling your phone out of your pocket, you don’t have to keep checking your pockets and guard for pickpockets, you don’t have to keep tabs on which guys at the pub are likely to be looking for a fight, you don’t have to cross the road when a group of young lads (even teenagers) are approaching, you don’t worry about whether you locked the doors, when you hear a noise at night you don’t have to grab a makeshift weapon and clear the flat because nobody is breaking in. Until I left, I didn’t realise just how much mental energy I had put into thinking about safety and violence.