Jesus Christ you people are impossible to have any real dialogue with.
Jesus Christ you people are impossible to have any real dialogue with.
Pretty fuckin insulting to tell me my father’s degree doesn’t matter. Also WW2 was/is a pretty fucking important time in the world history so it gets a lot of coverage. Especially what the Germans were doing leading up to the start of the war as it’s kinda relevant to how the whole thing happened in the first place.
That initial article you posted which again has ZERO FUCKING SOURCES has been posted on multiple history subreddits as well as a few times on other more history specific forums/sites.
The majority of Germans at the time didn’t want to finish the Autobahn as it was seen as a waste of time and resources. Hitler was the one that saw the potential and pushed to make it happen.
Now for this last part I’ll say it really slowly so your lone remaining braincell can understand me.
You came into a conversation that wasn’t even really about Hitler and you highjacked it with your unsubstantiated revisionist German “history” while screaming about Nazi propaganda.
Back to my original conversation. Good people that helped many have also done bad things. Bad people who were evil have also done good things. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Your inability to admit that such a terrible person could have ever done anything perceived as “good” is really alarming. You are in denial of reality because of your deep (and valid) hatred for that man. You can admit that Hitler did things that had a positive impact on Germany in the long term. It doesn’t undo anything evil he did. The two facts can coexist.
I’m not defending Hitler as a person nor am I defending the Nazi party in any way. I was simply pointing out that something those terrible people did happens to have ended up as a good thing later on down the line. It does not excuse their other actions in any way.
I used to live up near Lake Tahoe. I lost count of how many city folk would think all wheel drive would be enough and skipped chains/cables.
One of our favorite things was watching people pour hot coffee or water on their frozen windshield. Man that never stopped being hilarious to watch. They would often just stand there in disbelief after their windshield shattered lol.
Luke is a relatively sane normal person. Linus is like the tasmanian devil. If Luke and Linuses wife weren’t around who knows how canceled he would already have been lol.
What para social relationships do to a MF lol
My father is a historian. Has a degree in world history. Plus that article has been posted to several history forums over the last ~10+ish years as best I can tell and not once has it included sources or been taken seriously by any of the historians that read it.
You’ve then linked a German website and a German Wikipedia page. I am not fluent in German so I can’t read them, but they are both German hosted so I suspect some modern German biases probably apply. It would behoove any and all Germans to forever distance themselves from Hitler whenever possible but I also see that extending past reality with people trying rewrite history such as yourself.
Pre-Nazi Germany had something like ~15-20km of Autobahn built. Post-Nazi Germany had almost ~4000km of Autobahn. Stop trying to come at me with some “Nazi propaganda” bullshit. Those are both facts that you can independently verify if you want.
It’s perfectly fine to despise the Nazis. I highly recommend it at all times. I DONT agree with trying to rewrite history because we don’t agree with the optics of it today.
Have a good day teletubbyzurückwinker.
Pay attention to when people tell you what to think and be extra suspicious of that kind of behavior. Question everything. Trust but verify.
Now don’t fall into the trap of just being a contrarian. Just because everyone is telling you the same thing doesn’t mean it’s ALWAYS some big conspiracy. It could actually just be the right thing.
Basically just be curious and don’t form opinions purely based off people you look up to or admire.
Like most internet beefs I’m guessing the truth lands somewhere in the middle.
Though as someone only sorta paying attention and I don’t really care what happens I will say that Linus appears to be more upfront about his mistakes and continuing to own up to them as they come up. Not like he can own up for things that either never happened or he doesn’t remember happening. He is still a human.
GN comes across more like the jealous angry kid that lashes out over text messages because they didnt get what they wanted. I can’t shake the feeling that the “sudden” turn of GN against Linus has something to do with something else entirely that none of us even know about… Yet.
All that being said I have always liked Luke the most and I stopped watching LTT stuff quite a bit when Luke left. I still watch WAN because I find the information and entertainment combination the perfect background audio while I’m tinkering or whatever. I think both the GN and LTT videos generally both suck these days. GN just stands there with some paper in his hands and word vomits at the camera. Linus reminds me of the annoying orange at times.
Just be careful. I tried this trick at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 but a bunch of jerks in suits carried me away.
Doesn’t work everywhere unfortunately.
…do you think that in order for humanity to function we constantly need to be changing? You never think that maybe we level off at some point and settle into a groove where we leave shit alone for awhile?
Have to considered that maybe we as a species require both to function? We need progress and then periods of stability before we get bored/restless and decided to take over the spice trade in our neighborhood?
Light and dark. Yin and Yang.
We need progressives to push for change and we need conservatives to pull the reigns back when we try and change too much too quickly and things start falling apart.
My point this entire time was that good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. Humans are complicated. Our history is even more complicated. At no point has any side or group been “right” forever.
You’ve missed the point of all my previous comments entirely. Good job.
The irony of you telling me to stop posting Nazi propaganda and then linking an article with zero sources that many historians have already called out as just being a Nazi smear article not based in historical fact whatsoever.
Not really the “gotcha” you were going for but you believe whatever you wanna believe I guess.
Please use my preferred title: “moderate retard”.
Do you people have any amount of self awareness?
Do you legitimately believe that anything and everything the right has ever said or done has been wrong?
Most people would say that Hitler was a terrible person (and they would be right), but even the evil as shit Hitler did some Good things in his life even if some people refuse to admit it.
Hitler is credited with pulling Germany out of the post WW1 economic slump. One of the major contributors was his insistence on building the highway/Autobahn. It enabled Germany to expand faster and years before other European countries could catch up
Him and the Nazis were among the first to recognize the health benefits with not smoking and he is credited with pushing Germans to quit smoking but especially pregnant women and kids.
If you want a more recent example:
During Trump’s first Term he made it easier to prosecute financial crimes. The main way he did this was by requiring businesses to report their true owners. No longer would they spend as much time and money digging through shell corporations to figure out who is truly responsible.
If you want a less recent example:
Nixon created the EPA.
Not everything the left does is rainbows and perfection. Not everything the right does is evil and ruins the planet. You need to stop thinking in absolutes and recognize that things are more complicated.
You shouldn’t view things like they have “sides”. People are complicated. Situations involving one or many people are even more complex. People who have done arguably great things for humanity have also done terrible things in their personal lives. It’s not an all or nothing type of thing. Some people will tell you it is, but those people are either stupid or pushing an agenda.
Picking “sides” removes any nuance from the conversation and is often short sighted.
You can generally agree with a “side” but find individual statements that you disagree with. There are basically no “sides” or people that I universally agree with across every single little thing.
I’ll give one of my favorite examples of this: The Wright brothers. Without them we wouldn’t have modern flight which has not only saved countless lives but it also enabled great expansion with their new technology. Most people would argue that the Wright brothers were very important and a good thing that happened… however the Wright brothers were incredibly litigious and because of that they probably held back the technological growth of aviation for several years because of that behavior. At that time technology was moving incredibly quick so who knows how much it delayed things in the grand scheme of things.
It doesn’t mean that them figuring out how to fly and making the first air plane is now bad, but it does change their perception that they were these giving “father’s of flight”. They were greedy little shits who wanted all the money who happened to figure out how to fly.
A more common example would Winston Churchill. Arguably one of the most important players during WW2. Many argue that without his leadership the war would have gone quite different. He also happened to be super racist.
Don’t discredit everything good someone has done because of one bad thing they did. But also don’t ignore the bad things people have done because they have done some good. Take them as the whole. Flawed but human.
I don’t even think we can fault Zuck for looking. Even robot lizards were wondering why the fuck she wasn’t wearing an actual shirt over that bra lol
Can’t have the population working together to take out the elites. They need us good and pissed off at each other so we are too busy to see them taking everything and giving us scraps constantly.
Unlike men there is no erection that needs to be maintained for continuous “sex” to take place. Now some people will argue that foreplay and aftercare count towards total time taken to boink, but no matter how you slice it there is a bit of a running joke that some lesbians can sorta just have sex all day.
I don’t consider myself a centrist, but I do consider myself between the two parties currently.
I don’t like the “both sides are wrong” mentality often associated with centrists. I don’t think I am inherently better than either side. I think I am disillusioned by both sides.
I was a Leftist/Democrat for the majority of my life. Then at some point ~8-9 years ago saw the pipeline that leads to radicalized righty thinking and said “fuck that” but when I turned around and looked back on my old party critically I also didn’t want to walk back through that door either.
Basically I think both “sides” need to shut up and stop slinging poop at each other. Occasionally you need to listen to the other side. Neither one is always right or always wrong. Some of the moderates from either side can admit this and they hang out in the middle ish with me. But most people just sprint farther to either side when their ideas are challenged.
But since everyone has this “us vs them” mentality over every little thing I don’t see communication or collaboration getting any better going forward.
What a stupid fucking response to what I said.
It’s like you didn’t even read my comment. That or you read it and proceeded to understand exactly none of it.
Whatever dude. I’m not gonna waste any more energy trying to talk to you fuckin morons. None of you are even capable of having normal conversations anymore.
Good night.