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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • I picked Europe for cultural and economic reasons.

    I find Europeans generally more “down to earth”, interested in other things aside money, slightly less materialistic, not as fake as Americans, not as easily to offend means I don’t walk on eggshells. More importantly, not obsessed with guns despite sometimes owning them, not pretending they are the only ones having freedom and rule of law. Less stressed out, and generally in a better mental state. People are also less entitled (aside some cities).

    Economic reasons means I don’t have to make a great salary in order to live in a nice, clean area which isn’t a crime infested den. Organic food isn’t as expensive, and the normally priced food is also better. The salary threshold to have the same lifestyle in the US is quite high depending on which areas we compare. And its get even higher if you want a better lifestyle, with similar amount of vacations, healthcare level etc.

    However, I am not sure I would recommend Europe for up-starters from non-EU places. The salaries are quite low, assimilation is difficult, properties quite expensive. Many Europeans have already a decent quality of life, and Europe generally lacks the “rat race hustler” dynamic as in the US. The weather in the US is also better for the most parts.

  • It is somewhat better than any South American citizenship. At least for now, it might be worse or better in the future, nobody knows. It’s not even that much better for traveling compared to many South American passports, since they have Schengen access and more. Depends which one she has.

    Generally speaking, more citizenships are better, but you will have to spend several years in the US, and not all countries allow dual citizenship, so this is something to consider.

    Personally, I think it would be more beneficial if you get the citizenship of her country first. As for “emergency plan b” case, I think you both should get a tier-A passport from another country. If you both want to invest so much time and energy into a second passport this would be more advantageous, since residency for a spouse is relatively easy to get anyway, and both of you would get a new citizenship, not just one.

    If you are wealthy, there are CBI options for second passports.

  • I felt for all the US advertisement, and came back much faster than initially anticipated. Not regretting it, not a bad place, but totally not for me culturally and standard of living wise.

    Yes, there is sometimes a nostalgia factor, and how I miss exploring a new place, and what could have been… but then I am a realist and consider it as one of the most unwelcoming places I have ever been to. Sure, I could have a good life there, with a lot of work and risks taking versus having a good life without all the sacrifices and stress where I am now.