• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • Lookup the wiki on trigonometric identities and see what happens when 2 sine waves get multiplied together. What you get is called modulation products. For example, if you have 2 sine waves at different frequencies - say 95 kHz and 96 kHz - and you multiply them together, you get 2 totally different frequencies as the outcome. One will be the sum of the two input frequencies or 191 kHz - I’ll go out on a limb and posit that none of us mere mortals would be able to hear that. The other frequency would be the difference between the two input frequencies or 1 kHz - which at least most of us can hear.

    So, OP, is it possible that whatever Jedi mind trick you are doing with 96 kHz is leading to a modulation product that lands within the audible range?