Walter Water-Walker

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 11th, 2022

  • There is a dialectic between theory (or head knowledge) and practice. To be a Marxist is to do both things, working through that dialectic to evolve yourself as a practicianer. Additionally, to be a Marxist in practice necessitates interaction with an organized group of other Marxists. This interaction will challenge you to resolve conflicts between ideas, theories, strategies and so forth and develop a practical version of democratic centralism for your organization.

    Those who think that Marxism is just learning theory aren’t actually practicing Marxism. They become purists and commit the error of dogmatism. Many Trotskyists fall into this camp (I won’t say all Trotskyists, but I’m still looking for counter-examples). It’s why a Trotskyists probably knows Marxist theory better than I do but is also the most useless leftist on the planet (and can often even become useful to the bourgeoisie!).

    If you only ever read theory and do not put it into practice, you are simply doing so for some personal reasons, like to feel smarter than others because you have an insecurity. This is not just useless but dangerous because people like this can sound really smart and like they know what they’re talking about for new leftists. But because they offer no real solution to the material problems of those around them nor any practical avenues for the proletariat to direct their anger and pain from capitalism towards revolutionary action, it drains the energy away from more serious praxis.

    Praxis is the hard part. It’s why many don’t do it. But it’s what actually makes any of this make sense.

    “The philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” — Karl Marx

  • It also depends on what “two state solution” actually means. Traditionally, Israel has made such solutions impossible. The “you go your way, we’ll go ours” has been off the table because Israel doesn’t want that, they want the entire land and the expulsion of Palestine entirely.

    A two-state solution, where there’s a kind of federation between them might actually work. The federation would have to abide by international committees and violations by either state would be subject to some kind of punishment (be it trade deals or even military action in severe cases).

    The first problem, though, is the weapons supply and military training from the West. If that were cut off, it would take maybe a year of bloody gorilla fighting, but the playing field would be relatively equal at that point and then it’d be anybody’s guess who’d win out. Getting the USA to slowly wean away support would mean negotiating partially on their terms.

    In other words, Xi could just be giving the USA a peaceful “out” here, if they take it. The USA can save face and support a ramp down of the situation instead of escalation. I don’t see that happening near-term, but lots can change in the next few years and this play by China might just be the thing that allows a better situation to happen here.

  • I always ask these people when is it actually OK for people to vote for their own interests instead of based on the opposition party? There’s no right answer of course except that you should always vote your interest. Everybody should.

    Worse, though, this trope isn’t just against the “tankies”, it’s for anybody and everybody. Whoever a person wants to blame, especially if the Democrats lose the election. And even if people actually did what these folks suggested, they’d still blame them. It’s never the Democrats’ fault somehow.

  • I have two dogs (a big one and a little one) and some training from a dog trainer. There’s no “getting even” with dogs. If you pee on their bed, they won’t care. They’ll smell it, and because their sense of smell is drastically more evolved than ours, they’ll figure out what you ate a couple of meals ago and what you’re current mood is. They will not interpret your pee as an act of vengeance.

    There’s no punishment you can give. Instead, you need to hack dogs’ psychology (which is easy, actually) and train them to pee outdoors only. The way you do this is to by POSITIVE motivation. Each time they pee outdoors, give them a treat. You have about ~2 seconds to give them that treat though, so keep treats in your pocket at all times. Treats you know they like.

    What will happen is that they’ll pee exactly where you want them to pee to get the treat. It takes multiple times, but they’ll make the connection. They just want the treat. Only after they’ve made the appropriate connection between peeing where you want and getting a reward can you begin then to not always give them the treat. Instead, affirm with a simple “good boy” and maybe a pet. Slowly (over weeks) retreat the reward until you’re just giving a verbal “good boy”. And maybe not even every time.

    What they will do is just pee outside because “that’s the way they always do it”. That’s it. That’s all their brains will tell them. And they might bark or ask to go outside even when they need to go because, in their heads, it’s “weird” to go inside. It’s not what they did the last 20 times so they don’t want to.

    Anyway. Take it from a random person on the Internet: punishment won’t be effective. Just hack your dog’s love of food and love of routine. Keep it positive and you’ll, eventually, receive the fruits of your labor.

  • There is a mismatch between leftists’ understanding of theory and their understanding of the real-world development of socialism. I think, though, the more we get interested in how, exactly, we change he world, the more we’ll be willing to stop clobbering others over the head and calling them “revisionists” and, instead, we willing to actually learn and understand what AES is up to and how they manage the external and internal threats of the bourgeois (petite or not).

    I like the quote from Castro when he had his last visit to China:

    Xi Jinping is one of the strongest and most capable revolutionary leaders I have met in my life.

    Cuba has a lot of land-owning people and is still undergoing economic reforms. They’re still evolving. And so is China. China’s got billionaires. But the existence of these things doesn’t mean they are not building socialism. It just means that this is what socialism looks like in our time.

    The USA was a bourgeois revolution but it did not end the slave system. It wasn’t until later that it could. I think too many leftists fail to realize that during periods of transition (which can last hundreds of years), there is going to necessarily be a mix of elements from both systems (old and new). But this is precisely what material dialectics says will be the case.