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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • There is a difference between just giving birth and actual raising children. Between birth parents, adopted parents… There a plenty scenarios that exist: parents diying, family torn apart by war, parents becoming addicted. The queer community has a strong connection to found family. And of course all the people that never want and never will have children.

    There are a lot of things in this world that could be much, much better right now. But the question, if life itself has a meaning is old as civilisation. But that’s a thing noone can really answer. shouldn’t we ask ourself what could we do to create a world where we all can live in? Where we all can participate, been heared and seen?

    I think giving birth is not the problem, but billionars and companies destroying our World and our lives since decades. And no one seem to make them responsibil for it.

    When climate change hits us, there is a big chance that rich people will survive and will try to form a world as they please. They could erase feminism, queer folk, the diversity of culture, democraty. They will erase the fact that they destoried our world. So the humans that remain will be like slaves to them.

  • To have children or not is a deeply personal choice ☺️

    And also personal is the search for meaning in ones own existence. While searching we create: life, art, relationships, meaning. Memes. I think life becomes a burden, when external factors keep you from creating the meaning that you care for.

    But speaking as a historian: we put a lot of presure on parents over the last decades. And the same presure on kids. It is relateable that having children or just excisting has become so… whats a fitting english word?.. not desireable?

  • I agree with you.

    I think argueing if adhd might be over or under diagnosed makes adulds feel even more ashamed.

    I also don’t like blaming self diagnosis. Women having a hard time finding professionell help, cause they never fit into stereotypical adhd behaivor. They seen as overreacting and emotional.

  • Ich hatte ein langes Wochenende und konnte die Sonne genießen. War schwimmen, bin Roller gefahren und hatte leckeres Essen. Ich habe sogar ein Bild malen können 😊

    Mein Freund ist Samstag zu seinen Eltern nach Köln gefahren und wollte Sonntag Morgen zurückkommen. Aber das viel ins Wasser: immer wieder sind Personen ins Gleis bei Mühlheim gelaufen. Nach 2 Stunden kam endlich ein Zug, die Strecke wurde freigegeben, er setzt sich rein und dann die Nachricht “Strecke wird wieder gesperrt. Die gleiche Person scheint wieder am Gleis rumzulaufen…”.

    Wir waren ziemlich mit den Nerven am Ende. Die Zugführer auch. Haben dann den Sonntag Videospiele gezockt.

  • tap tap tap

    You know… on saturday i had a pretty bad headache and felt asleep on the couch… my boyfriend woke me up an hour later to show me this new phenomenon on Necralisk. And that a lot of tennos just standing there listening.

    I was awake immediately and felt a shiver… Never thought one sound could make me so hyped!

    I am so excited for the future of warframe to come!

  • I am agreeing with you. I use TS or discord for years for ttrogs, but always had the problem, that my high voice is cut of by the programms. It’s frustrating to figure out how to change that and finding a solution that sounds nice.

    As always: if men would have these problems, it would be fixed in a short time.

    I was always ashamed of my voice and thought i could not create potcasts, Videos or everything else voice based. I thought noone would like my voice. One day a stranger came up to me and told me i sound like daisy duck, while talking to a friend… 😒

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deIch🏳️‍⚧️♟️iel
    1 year ago

    Ich möchte den tollen Move des deutschen Schachverbunds nutzen um zu sagen: aus historischer Sicht ist der “biologische Vorteil” eines Geschlechts C in Thema Y erstunken und erlogen.

    Nachdem Religion und Naturmagie vom Wissenschaft abgelöst wurde, wird sie gerne von Nicht-Wissenschaftlern gerne zweckentfremdet, um Gatekeeping zu legitimieren. Wer kann schon etwas ernsthaftes gegen psyeudo medizinische oder biologische Argumente sagen? Für Laien sind sie schwer zu entlarven und kaum von realen wissenschaftlichen Meinungen zu unterscheiden.

    Wenn Frauen falsch trainiert werden, sie keinen Zugang zu gleichen Möglichkeiten haben, die Möglichkeiten nicht ihrem Körper entsprechen, oder sie durch Hausarbeiten/ Kinder davon abgehalten werden, zeit für Sport y zu widmen… dann kann man auch keine haltbaren Datenlagen erschaffen.

  • One point to keep in mind: a lot of people are not educated to know these kind of things. In my country we tell our kids to function and blame them when they don’t function. It set an impossible high standart on very young people. But it is a relique from germanys problematic past, where people where only seen as Instruments.

    I like to read neurodivergent content, because it gives me a much better insight in how the brain works. The content does not judge you and it does not blame you. This is appealing to people, who only start to realize how horrible the’ve been raised.

    I would argue to work together to chance a system, that does not support human as diverse as they are.

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comRelatable
    1 year ago

    Mindwandering while conversation/ sex was always annoying to me. I never understood why i am doing this and how to turn it off, cause “everyone else seems to get it right” and they made me feel bad for it.

    It is importaint to talk about these stuff and reach out to people, who feel the same way.

  • I work with cultural heritage and have the strong believe, that information should be open and easy accessible. Citizen have a right to access to knowledge and to educate themselves unter their circumstanses. But of course the Infrastructur cost money and this should always be a discurse between all parties. And not been dictated by major companies.

    It is a really hard fight for museums, archives and libaries lately. What do you do when your electricity bill jumps up to 5 million during the war in the ukrain?

    We need to unite and search for ways to keep the Internet accessible.