“Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to Bloomberg.
Is this a new policy?
“Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to Bloomberg.
Is this a new policy?
You’ve got to understand the audience he’s talking to and the effect he’s trying to have. It’s not a legal claim being made in a legal setting and he knows it. Instead, he’s talking to people who are motivated by outrage. It’s incredibly disingenuous and I think you stop behavior like this just by talking away the benefit he has by acting this way. So let him be irrelevant and drown him out! If no one hears they aren’t going to get outraged.
“Sorry, you dialed Department Of. What you need is Department If. Happens all the time.”
“I followed the script” says enough. This guy doesn’t know shit and was probably following the advice of a bigger crank.
Dividing each thought and connecting the end of one to the beginning of the next helped me with the illusion of time running backwards.
Requesting dismissal with prejudice is just a great detail. If granted, and the plaintiff tries to bring another suit for the same events, they’ll basically be told to GTFO.
That reminds me that my local library has WiFi hot spots you can check out for a week at a time. Sounds really helpful for someone who needs the internet for work, and can’t easily get to the library every day.
Congratulations! That’s awesome it’s being so beneficial to you.
To be upfront, I’m a straight cis-man, but you reminded me of a clip of a college professor talking about a difference in the amygdala in men and women that’s consistent whether the person is trans or cis. I’d appreciate the thoughts of someone actually experiencing the lifting of this cloud.
Use my pen knife my good man!
I appreciate that. I’ve thought of part of that, but tracking long term to figure out seasonal changes is a good idea.
Very nice! I’ve been working towards making and selling small bags and other cloth goods in the next year. I’m happy with my patterns and the cost and time to produce them. Now I’m figuring out the business side of it and what local merchant events I could do. Got any tips or unexpected hurdles when you started?
Weird Al’s body guard is even worse at his job. Even worse as in Weird Al’s Even Worse.