Saving $50 per employee when you have 5 employees is $250. It’s nice, but not a game changer. 50 employees: $2,500, 500 employees: $25,000. When you have more employees squeezing pennies out of your workers becomes a relevant boon to the company.
Saving $50 per employee when you have 5 employees is $250. It’s nice, but not a game changer. 50 employees: $2,500, 500 employees: $25,000. When you have more employees squeezing pennies out of your workers becomes a relevant boon to the company.
The price someone would pay a repairperson to fix things is already factored into rent. If a homeowner didn’t have the time/energy to fix the thing, the homeowner could just hire their own repairperson and be in the same situation, except not me renting.
The Romans built off of Greek culture, Europe built off of Roman culture, the US built off of European culture. US math is very much based on Greek math (and US education in general). You may remember doing Greek proofs in school. Greek math was by no means superior to any other culture’s, it just so happens that US culture descends from Greek culture.