I don’t hate kids, but it would be a horrific nightmare for everyone involved if I had some of my own. Never wanted them, never will. I do adore my niece.
Yeah, the only thing you gotta be careful with is wool, because that seriously shrinks like crazy with anything over 20°C. Everything else just goes on 30-40°C, good luck.
I used to have a pretty intense not-like-the-other-girls fase in my teens, and I never wore skirts or dresses, and felt the same way you do. Then I got over that internalized misogyny and started experimenting with clothes a little, and the first time I put on a dress it was like a hallelujah moment. The most comfortable thing in the goddamn world. They do not restrict your movement at all, that’s only a problem if you wear knee-high pencil skirts of stiff fabric. In colder seasons you wear leggings under them which are equally comfortable. It was so incredibly comfy I did a complete 180 and it took me 10 years to wear a pair of pants again, and that’s only because the waist high mom jeans in style now are so loose and non-restricting. Any other style of pants I won’t touch with a 10 feet pole.
That’s an urban planning problem. My dad’s detour to drop me off at daycare when I was little was a 10 minute bike ride. When I was old enough to go to school, there was no detour because it was on the way to his work. Shops are also on the way or at most a 5 minute detour.