Steve•Wind Turbines, Near Tracy, CA, 2010.
3 months I’ve never yet had a bird object to how I photographed it.
I’m a computer science professor and affiliate law prof at Columbia University. Author of “Thinking Security”. Dinosaur photographer. Not ashamed to say that I’m still masking, because long Covid terrifies me. I’ve never yet had a bird object to how I photographed it. From Article III of the Constitution: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” I was always pretty awful at darkroom work—pictures that I knew were there never came out the way that I felt that they should. I eventually resorted to dealing with a high-quality commercial lab. With digital, I can try things, undo them, copy the original and try different combinations, and more. Plus, of course, the nature of my chosen subjects means that I have to take a lot of pictures, most of which will be worthless.