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  • 159 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Thanks a ton for the update Ernest! It’s great to hear from you, and I hope your health improves soon.

    That being said, I do have a few things I’d like to suggest.


    In February, I spent my time visiting doctors and undergoing treatment with medications, which often had very unpleasant side effects. Therefore, I decided to hold off on any major updates to avoid causing even more chaos.

    If I’m interpreting this correctly (i.e., that you chose not to give any updates as to prevent people freaking out), I don’t think this was the best move. I understand where you were coming from, but (if you were able) some sort of small status update would’ve been preferable to a month-long silence (especially since you’d previously said that you’d be unavailable for only 2–4 days). A simple “Hey, I’m currently not doing well. I’ll get back to things as soon as I’m feeling better,” would’ve at least let us know that you were alive and that the project hadn’t been abandoned.


    Just because it’s not visible that something is happening doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing anything during this time. In fact, two really significant things have been successful, which I’ve been working on for a long time and which I intended to announce soon once I recover.

    I don’t think this whole “holding off for a big announcement” thing is a great approach, at least not now. There are currently several issues that we’re waiting to see fixed, and we have no idea which ones (if any) are being worked on. If you must wait for a big reveal though, at least telling us, “I’m still working on stuff” would be better than nothing.


    And finally, I really suggest getting some more admins for the instance. You’re absolutely correct to prioritize your health over Kbin; nevertheless, it’s far from ideal for your absence to mean that spam piles up, moderation requests lie unanswered, and accounts can’t be deleted. We’d all appreciate it if you could have at least one extra person on deck for whenever you’re ill or in need of a break.


    Thanks again for all you do for Kbin, and I hope things get better!

  • But Eigel isn’t alone in his condemnation of the bill. Another Republican, Missouri State Senator Sandy Crawford, claimed the incest and rape provision shouldn’t pass because “God is perfect.”

    “God does not make mistakes. And for some reason he allows that to happen, bad things happen,” Crawford said. “I’m not gonna be able to support the amendments because I am very pro-life.”

    You can’t help but appreciate the sheer amount of cognitive dissonance you gotta have to say, “God is perfect,” and “…for some reason He allows … bad things [to] happen.” How delusional can you be to say that raped children giving birth is part of some perfect, divine plan?

    Social conservatism is a complete joke.

  • When I was going through redesigning all of the U.S. state flags, this is one of the first designs I made. Here’s the symbolism:

    • The colors are reminiscent of the orange, white, & blue pattern used in many of New York’s state flag.

      • The blue has been replaced with the purple of the Iroquois flag.
    • The white shape in the center holds several meanings.

      • It resembles a crown to represent New York being the Empire State.
      • It points upward to represent New York’s motto: “Excelsior” (“Higher”).
      • It looks somewhat like tall skyscrapers because duh.