Yeah I thought the same thing…why I would wanna ai in my navidrome server…kept me thinking
Yeah I thought the same thing…why I would wanna ai in my navidrome server…kept me thinking
BB foi o primeiro que prestei mas acho conteúdo extenso demais pros benefícios que oferece…mas se até janeiro eu não decidir eu vou de BB mesmo heheh
Show! Preciso arrumar um logo pra não perder o ritmo de estudos… É horrível ficar perdido
It was! I still have mine somewhere in the house. It was my kodi media player for a long time.
Hey man I have no idea if it is the same, I’m a noon, but I had issues with a kernel update recently with my Debian home server and lost Ethernet too. I couldn’t fix but I reverted the kernel update and voila my ethernet started working again. If this bothers you and like me you don’t have much knowledge years you could try that .
Yeah once I forgot I had an external drive on one of the USB ports on my PC and created an Ubuntu drive with dd and just sent it do /dev/sdb …lost all movies I had on it. After that I always check with df -h or fdisk -l
Hey just passing to say I saw your post and decided to update my Debian server …took me an hour to find that the rtl driver just stopped working and I had to revert to older kernel…never done it before haha…
Hey cool theme/icons …could you tell the name of the theme and icon pack you are using ?
Esse ano só mirei no TJSP mesmo. Não prestei muitos concursos até hj. Aí postei pra ver o que o povo tá fazendo e pra gerar um conteúdo na comunidade 😅