Welcome back my dear! Wow, what a great post to join us again. Made me laugh so hard. It’s been ages I’ve last seen this bit. ^^
Welcome back my dear! Wow, what a great post to join us again. Made me laugh so hard. It’s been ages I’ve last seen this bit. ^^
I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways… by force!
GTA IV actually, not even counting the two huge DLCs, just the base game alone.
I never got into Clone Wars because I absolutely hate the art style.
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Everything higher than the second floor of a building is a big nope to me. My family made me go on holidays via airplane back when I was a wee child and I kept screaming for the entire duration of both flights. They never tried that shite ever again. I mean, what did they expect, really, knowing damn well about my severe anxiety issues? Even today I’d never set foot on any kind of aircraft, even with knockout medication and a million Dollars in return. Just no. I do not belong in the sky. I need solid ground or water under my feet. Interestingly enough it’s cool for me to go hiking in the mountains. The mountains are solid and therefore they are my friends. If I fall down, that’s on me then.
Ganz, ganz schlechte Idee, liebe Leute.
Pro: I never get seasick, no matter how rough it gets. Con: Terrified of heights and flying.
From what I read so far - I should say hello to him again.
Can’t you read? I’m totally not Spez!
cough cough
Bayern war schon immer ein Clown Zirkus.