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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • I come from a country where a lot of younger people immigrate abroad and most of my friends and family have always said that it takes around 2 years to really get used to a place and for the sadness to pass. Maybe find a local group of new immigrants to talk to? Or sign up for some classes so that you can interact with others and adjust? Take your time, you just got to the US be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust.

  • It was fun and I didn’t think it would really bother me that much until I experienced it 🙂 I am not sure why my experience seems to bother you. I knew Bali had earthquakes and from my experience there decided not to try and emigrate to a place with even stronger earthquakes. I’m sorry my fear of earthquakes bothers you. I loved Bali and the locals really treated my family kindly.

  • I’m not specifically talking about Bali but more so that I realized I’d rather not live in a place with earthquakes. I grew up in countries/states where the biggest natural disaster was probably a snowstorm every once in a while. No tornados, barely any hail, barely any lightening. So to me it was quiet a shock the first time I experienced an earthquake. Keep in mind that this year new york state had a small earthquake 3.8 and my family there and everyone I knew were flipping out and panicking it was the first time they had ever felt an earthquake it was on the news and a huge deal.

  • Lived in Bali for a year and realized that I never want to live in a country/state with earthquakes. Really wanted to try living in Japan but my fear of earthquakes is just too much even when they’re not strong the fact that you can’t predict them and when they start you never know how strong one will be is scary. We had a few days where we had multiple earthquakes each day and many were felt as in shaking the building roughly. Nothing bad happened but the stress of never knowing what’s going to hit and how strong it’ll be isn’t something I want to experience again. This time it was a 5.4 but next time it could very well be 7+.