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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • There is a lot more to e-waste than just repairability. There is the recycled materials in the initial phone. Quality of the components. Sturdiness of the phone. Do people trade in their phones so they can be recycled? Is there even a trade-in program for this phone? What percentage of the phone is recycled after use?

    This doesn’t matter. E-waste is a crock of shit. All of the phones you will ever use over your lifetime will fit in your coffin with you, there’s nothing seriously poisonous in there else it wouldn’t be safe to carry phone around in sweaty pockets, and the recoverable raw material value is approxmiately 0% of the manufacturing cost of a phone.

    Apple’s “recycling” program is half virtue signal, half sneaky way of keeping devices off the used market. Which, by the way, is the only way real value is ever recovered from old phones. Recycle is the last R for a reason.

    How many years does the phone get updates?

    This, on the other hand, is very important. The real reason disposable and unreliable phones are bad is that getting a new phone sucks. Search costs suck, transaction costs suck, the “features” that the new phone comes with inevitably suck, and migrating data to a new device sucks. Which is at least partly intentional. Observe one scumbag Android developer cheering about the prospect of users no longer being in control of their own data.

  • VenditatioDelendaEst@alien.topBtoHardware@hardware.watchSteam Deck OLED Review
    11 months ago

    Lots of good technical information in this one. I wish this sub’s reflexive distaste for Linus Sebastien wouldn’t bury it. Way better than the got dman Verge.

    • OLED display is thinner which allows the battery to be physically larger. There are also chemistry changes.

    • Valve did not switch to hall-effect analog sticks… because they weren’t satisified with their reliability??? AFAIK, reliability is the raison d’être of hall-effect analog sticks. I notice I am confused.

    • Machine screws into metal screw bosses instead of self-tappers, so it can be disassembled and reassembled less carefully.

    • Battery says limited charging voltage 8.9 Vdc if I’m reading the sticker right, which is 4.45 V/cell. Yowza! If anybody can link any papers about cycle life of state-of-the-art chemistries at that voltage please do. It sounds super hot to my 4.2 V sensibilities.

    • High-end model has a transparent shell. Alas, not Retro™ Purple.