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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Das hat doch damit nichts zu tun. Ja, man sollte nicht mit „aber weiße werden auch diskriminiert“ kommen, wenn es darum nicht geht aber das ändert nicht, dass das Problem einen Namen braucht um unabhängig davon betrachtet werden zu können.

    Nur weil’s dem einen schlechter geht, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass es dem anderen immer gut gehen muss. Das ist ja kein Wettkampf. Aber wenn man dem ganzen keinen Namen gibt fällt auch der differenzierte Diskurs schwer.

    Es geht ja nicht darum das systemische und das individuelle grundsätzlich gegeneinander zu stellen (oder das individuelle über das systemische zu stehen) sondern eine Geundlage zu schaffen über beide Probleme einzeln sprechen zu können, ohne, dass es zu einem Diskurs wie diesem kommen muss.

    (Gilt im übrigens auch ähnlich im Thema Geschlechter Gleichstellung, wo die männliche Bevölkerung sogar auch systemische Probleme aufgrund ihres Geschlechtes haben, die zwar sehr anders und deutlich geringer sind als die der weiblichen Bevölkerung aber deshalb trotzdem Probleme sind. Allerdings ist hier das Vokabular weniger das Problem als die grundsätzliche Ablehnung, einzugestehen, dass wir alle auf verschiedene Weisen gefickt sind, nur die einen mehr als die anderen und dass es viel produktiver wäre uns nicht darüber zu streiten wer es schlimmer hat sondern gemeinsam das Leben einfach für alle besser zu machen und Diskriminierung jeglicher art und jeglichen Umfangs zu bekämpfen)

  • The point isn’t that we shouldn’t strive to improve those points but that it’s utopic. Accidents happen. Ectopic pregnancies, etc. can’t be solved by medication. And even if everybody who doesn’t want kids was on birth control, they don’t work 100% of the time. Also, humans are stupid so someone will forget or skip birth control for the thrill of it. And as much as I‘d like for rape not to be something that happens, humans are also assholes and while you might be able to reduce that, you can’t eliminate that entirely without mind controlling everybody.

    Solving this, if it’s not completely impossible, might as well be.

    That isn’t to say that we shouldn’t work on this. There’s always room to improve and ideally no one who wants to have a baby should have to lose it and no one who doesn’t want a child should need abortion to avoid having one. However, there should always be the possibility because there will always be some cases, even if they’re extremely rare. Life’s messy and humans are unpredictable.

  • More than 60fps doesn’t matter for a lot of people though. A lot of console gamers play on TV and only high end TVs have higher refresh rates anyways, so those people would prefer higher resolution and nicer graphics settings to more fps.

    I’m a PC gamer and even I don’t own a single high refresh rate display, for example, because I usually play slower paced story based games. While I enjoy 120+ Hz, my priorities lie with UHD and HDR, as long as I get close to 60fps. And most PS5 games already support performance modes with 60-ish fps on the base model console albeit without all the possible eye candy.

  • Will the 3060 actually outperform a PS5 Pro though? Spec wise its GPU is closer to a RX 6800, which is roughly 30% faster than a 3060 and also a little bit more expensive. And, especially in CPU limited titles, a Ryzen 7 would also be closer to the PS5 (Pro). Add a TB more storage (to be equivalent in this regard as well) and you’re having a much harder time of matching the price (with new parts at least).

    Until people actually get their hands on a PS5 pro and publish comparative benchmarks, though, this will stay speculation only. And that’s not to say, that this PC isn’t a good value gaming rig, just that it might not be enough to compete with a brand new console that probably has razor thin margins, if it’s not even sold at a loss in the beginning.

  • The PS3, be it the early PHATs or even the super slims were technically amazing machines but, at least in the beginning, they still were way to expensive for the reduced quality in most cross party titles compared to the 360. Was probably a no-brainer upgrade though, if you could sell your PS2 to replace it with a brand spanking new PS3 without losing access to your games.

    Also, the amazing first party titles Sony put out over the years (that actually took advantage of the PS3’s over-designed processor) make it worth buying even today, as you can get it for less than 50€ in good condition and it’s easily jailbreakable.

    Just maybe don’t sell your first born for one that is backward compatible with PS2 today. Just buy a used PS2 as well (most of them are jailbreakable just as easily) or just emulate it.

  • If you’re willing to buy at least some PC parts used (like the GPU and maybe CPU) you could probably build a very competitive machine for the same price. Maybe even something better. With new parts probably not yet, necessarily. But of course, that depends a little on your local market. Here in Germany for example, a new RX 6800 (the equivalent GPU, according to IGN) alone would be roughly ⅔ of a PS5 Pro, while a used one is a little less than half the price. You probably need to wait a generation or so for new PC parts to be price competitive (as you do with almost every new console release).

    However, if you already have an existing PC that you could upgrade (For example you have an earlier generation Ryzen processor and could upgrade to Ryzen 5000 with just a BIOS update and you could sell your current CPU and GPU to get some of your money back when buying something more powerful), you could likely easily beat it. That’s the actual power of having a PC. You can stretch $700/800€ quite far, if you don’t have to buy a new case, RAM, PSU, storage and/or motherboard.

    • 120€ if you want the disc drive. That’s 920€ total. A new PS5 Slim with disc drive is less than 500€ and I’ve seen used PS5 Phat with disc drive on ebay for less than 350€.

    Almost double the price for a bit nicer raytracing, 2TB and higher framerates in the very few games that don’t support at least 60fps is a very hefty asking price.

    For 900€ you can get a pretty good gaming PC. If you buy some parts used, you can even get a really good rig for that price. You might just need to wait a few years until the latest sony exclusives make it to PC eventually.