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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 23rd, 2023


  • Tis is very true! I read Josiah Bancroft’s " Senlin Ascends" and in the first 150 pages I was hating it. The style (sort of 19th century literary), the story, the setting, and soooo many unlikable characters…I almost gave up and remember telling a friend how much I hated it.

    But I almost never give up in a book, and so finished all 480 pages. By the end, I had mostly captured the mood and feel Bancroft was going for, and had to complement him on his world building and artful prose. I wouldn’t say I LIKED the book, more respected it.

    Then the second one came out. It got glowing reviews, and after a while I gave in and bought it. This time, there was no orientation period, and the book immediately became exciting and rich in character and story.

    Long story short, I’ve read all the series now, and its one of my favorite modern novel series! To your point, I think that though I didn’t much “like” the first book, I recognized that something big was going on here, and it deserved more of my time and attention. Im so glad I chose to press on.

  • As someone who has done a lot of counseling, there is a somewhat common situation in which people’s actions can basically create a monster. Is actually a fairly common thing in superhero literature and lore - the reluctant evil enemy that was created by the collective had and abuse of society.

    Im not familiar with the details of the Rowling/trans person kefuffle, but it sounds as if that syndrome could be a factor. She came out with an opinion that wasn’t popular with a certain segment, and many not that demographic went on the attack. Given Rowling’s influence and wealth, rather than disappear for a while as some mentioned, she leaned into it and responded in kind. Together, their respective actions and words simply continued to escalate until we have what we have today.

    It’'s probbly not common knowledge here in Reddit (Reddit being what it is) but as someone who does counseling professionally (or did) ive observed there is a rising sentiment among some mental health professionals that feel we are going about understanding and reacting to the trans person movement in wrong and unhealthy ways. These are opinions based on medical and sociological data and not founded in political movement, religion or their own compassion or passion, just professional opinions. However, if expressed here, im sure there are those who would excoriated them. Mayne Rowling was following some if those dissenting opinions when she formed and expressed her own.