It’s worth noting as well, you don’t even need to agree with the reviewer, you just need to get to know their tastes. If they always negatively review games you like, then a negative review from them is basically an endorsememt.
It’s worth noting as well, you don’t even need to agree with the reviewer, you just need to get to know their tastes. If they always negatively review games you like, then a negative review from them is basically an endorsememt.
I mean, the military service is mandatory right? Yeah you get paid, but you don’t really have the option to not do it…
Apparently he wrote another shota paper in June of this year XD
Impossibly Cute Boys The Healing Power of Shota Comics in Japan
I was interested by the art, what’s it called?
Saying something that could be construed as positive towards windows on lemmy???
We’ve gone all the way around so now censoring a swear makes people more upset than actually saying it and I really don’t understand why.
Year 2000
Say ‘fuck’
People get irrationally mad
Year 2024
Say ‘fxck’
People get irrationally mad
What happened?
People are downvoting, but I respect it. Civil disobedience is always an option, like you say, you just gotta be willing to go to jail for your beliefs.