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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • When it comes to first screening from open job postings, they would always resort to local first unless you have a niche and specific skillset for them to relocate you. As a fresh graduate, you stand little chance in this bracket.

    Second option to consider is start networking, get your resume on referral pile. Get an insider to understand your capabilities and ‘how fun you are as colleague’, in the end people hire who they want to work with and majority of people do land jobs these way if they are not being headhunted.

    Things such as developer meetups, tech conferences, forums, tech twitter, various discords. Get yourself out there and make friends, it’s not going to be a quick solution because building relationship takes time but often they bear fruit when you most needed it.

    Market is rough right now, I wish you the best of luck.