Perdón por mi español, pero te puedo recomendar RiMusic para Android y Nuclear para Linux
Probably I’m coding something or reading code.
Perdón por mi español, pero te puedo recomendar RiMusic para Android y Nuclear para Linux
@phoh probalby you can config the mouse in your distro, for example I’m using KDE, in the settings window I can find a section to set up the mouse
@phoh Do you mean the device the hardware when you mention mouse. If you do I think any good mouse works in any system no linux includes. I prefer mouses like this one https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Vertical-Wireless-Mouse-Rechargeable/dp/B07FNJB8TT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2R9E7U9BIKABA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NtvOFD3vflxRQmrcZbBAeTvEtZpvC6RVQJQisSWTIKtHyCAZ4djsgrCneukJb7jNaHM98rsBBSb3I5ZfLgGbMF8BKXeG05Aefe05kyLeS3E2Qa6XBbUCpCYsGPKerQn_QhphPL6XkN2Z9xbIONgDYZ5FAebyWgELT9pedbyuCLgTtZSimw2tkDNmb5-6MDu5Wqip0Mpjs8NCv8BKKcR-Dq8_lMkBUIyPTviWGoNCWFE.YOTKbFt6LE8LzckOqChnY8noQx0gRl30_WPFNbOaSkQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=ergonomic+mouse&qid=1720474137&sprefix=ergonomic+mouse%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-5
Justo lo que necesitaba que sorpresa. Gracias por el aporte