That’s right. zsh is POSIX compliant while fish is not. That’s the reason I switched to zsh from fish.
That’s right. zsh is POSIX compliant while fish is not. That’s the reason I switched to zsh from fish.
Looks great, thanks for the write up!
This is cool, thanks for sharing. I saw your pugs piece, very cool! Are you using it make jigs or forms too?
Definitely a reality check about pillow prices! Especially with outdoor pillows I imagined that the fabric would be pricey but not $750 pricey.
This is a really good tutorial playlist starting with very basics, which you could skip/speed past based on your experience level.
Excellent guide, thanks for the write up!
One thing I’d like to point out is that you can pipe output from an application into grep
and then be able to use all the information above.
For instance if I want to know the full name of my wireguard interface I can just pass (pipe) the output of ifconfig
into grep
ifconfig | grep wire
The whole software is currently considered alpha. If you want to test bleeding edge stuff, you could build the main branch locally and test that. Or you could use the app releases and report bugs on github (the devs would much prefer pull requests fixing bugs than just reports and they’re great at merging). I’m not a dev but I have contributed to the app.
Clearly the dark mode is the modern one! Jokes aside, I just realized that there THREE menu options on that toolbar: hamburger, kebab, and waffle! I realize they do different things, but no wonder people are confused by and scared of computers. Also, now I’m hungry!