Der automatische Abgleich wäre ein schwerer Eingriff in die Persönlichkeitsrechte Unschuldiger. Ein Test am Berliner Südkreuz erbrachte 2017/2018 eine Falsch-Positiv-Rate von etwa 0,1 Prozent. Das heißt, von 1.000 Passant*innen löst eine aus Versehen Alarm aus. Allein auf den 5.400 Bahnhöfen der deutschen Bahn bewegen sich allerdings täglich etwa 21 Millionen Menschen – das heißt durchschnittlich alle vier Sekunden würde jemand Opfer einer unbegründeten Ausweiskontrolle oder sogar Leibesvisitation.
Woody Guthrie - Pretty Boy Floyd
Yes, as through this world I’ve wandered I’ve seen lots of funny men Some will rob you with a six-gun And some with a fountain pen
And as through your life you travel Yes, as through your life you roam You won’t never see an outlaw Drive a family from their home
From the Youtube comments: “This is the acoustic version of ‘Fuck the Police’”
Nothing to get. It’s a spammer.
As long as they continue to require a phone number they should stop pretending to care about users privacy.
This movie is pretty well made:
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
A documentary about the world of screens we are immersed in. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and the environment? What may come next and is it what we want?
No disk space available, corrupt startup scripts, borked update, etc…
It did not work for me, and someone had already archived it, so I shared that link for others with the same problem. I am not in the USA, nor in an English speaking country. I also do not like giving the NYT any traffic.
I agree. It has a very US centric Overton window which skews right IMO.
This user is just link farming to the same domain in every post. I have seen other user accounts doing the same thing recently and the article quality is simply poor. SPAM
Negativland - The Gun And The Bible
“The gun and the bible carved this nation out of the wilderness”
And relies on using a payphone! No offense to OP, but this article is utter garbage.
Und wurde von der Stadt Fucking auch noch deswegen verklagt.
Ich wünschte, es wäre so. Ihr würdet euch alle kaputtlachen. Aber dieser rechte Mistkerl hat eine Flotte von Bulldog-Anwälten, und wenn ich euch meine Geschichten erzähle, wird er mich erkennen.
Der (edit: original) Besitzer ist das größte Arschloch, das mir in den 25 Jahren meines Berliner Lebens je begegnet ist.
There is an excellent podcast story that is both relevant and very entertaining called S-Town.
Hardy Fox of The Residents tells a great personal story about the exact sentiment expressed in this meme:
The Residents - Life Would Be Wonderful
The story is told at about 2m40s in.
This might help: Anti-Kati - Do Not Try To Tempt Us With Yr Logic Vol 6 - 04 - Fuck Shit Up