I read “Reuploading is prohibited”, I think “Oh no. Anyway… Nice image”.
I read “Reuploading is prohibited”, I think “Oh no. Anyway… Nice image”.
I upvoted for the pic; take this comment as an upvote for the video :D
This time I added the image directly to the post. The other times it was a Link-Post with the URL of the image.
PS: Glad I found something nice. You are such a big part of these communities and I want to give at least a bit back :)
No, but I wish it were.
or Church of Oppaitology
Here are some charts.
Active Users seem to be slightly declining, but overall users and posts are growing (slowly but steady).
The big cuts in the-federation.info I suspect to be bot purges.
Maybe take less Calcium and drink more.
I’m not the only one who notices that on one image her blue eye is on her right and on the other on her left, am I?
Great, now Fishnets are linked with Tic-Tac-Toe in my mind :D
Really, md5 in this day and age? If I don’t get by order with at least SHA256 I’m out of here.
Let all of the Fediverse become :3
Thank you very much :) Post updated.
Not really using it. I was following links which lead to links which lead to links…