hi, i’m Andy; a fat nerdy anticapitalist zen buddhist library tech guy. like if the 4th Doctor and Chris Farley had a baby. he/him.
living on the ancestral lands of the Weeminuche band of the Ute Mountain Ute people.
i just finished “We Will Be Jaguars”, a memoir by Nemonte Nenquimo about life in an Ecuadorian Amazon tribe and their experiences with missionaries, oil companies, and the legal battle to save some of their ancestral lands. i found it captivating but slow going in parts - i’d be really curious if anyone else has thoughts about.
still working on “The Vegan Studies Project”. i’m in the final chapter. to be honest, i don’t like it. it’s a slog. it’s taken me forever to get through, and i haven’t found it terribly interesting. oh well!
i’ve got sooo many books checked out from my local library! i think next up is either going to be “Becoming Little Shell” by Chris La Tray or “Twenty-Four Seconds from Now…” by Jason Reynolds.
what’s on your to be read pile?
just got back from a week-long sesshin (zen meditation retreat), so no reading during that time, lol. a bunch of my holds came in at the library though! “Prophet Against Slavery” about the early American emancipationist vegan Quaker Benjamin Lay, “Vegan Africa” by Marie Kacouchia, and also “Borne” by Jeff Vandermeer. gonna be on the road a lot this week so i am hoping to make some progress on these!
As for me, I’m working on “Birnam Wood” by Eleanor Catton. i’m having a slow time getting into it, but i’ve heard it’s good. likely won’t get it finished in the next week as tomorrow i’m off to a zen retreat for a week, but it’ll be waiting for me when I get back.
i’ve got a couple things specifically relating to veganism on order from my local library: “Veganism: Politics, Practice, and Theory” by Eva Haifa Giraud, and “The Vegan Studies Project: Food, Animals, and Gender in the Age of Terror” by Laura Wright.
i’m no academic but i am a nerd, and am hoping that these so-called foundational texts in vegan studies will help me have a better theoretical and actionable framework within which to work. speaking of which, i also have on order “Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism” by Mark Hawthorne. this one i have purchased so that i can have it as a reference for actual praxis.
have any of you read any of these and have any thoughts, or recommendations?
i did create a post about what we’re reading, but i realize now that might be stepping on toes so if so, i apologize. let me know and i can take it down in favor of whatever we collectively decide we’d like to see.
As for me, I just finished “The Future” by Naomi Alderman. i enjoyed it enough to stay up late last night finishing it. i don’t necessarily agree with some of the premises, but i found it enjoyable to read. there are a few scenes that stuck with me in unpleasant ways, but i found myself very intrigued as to what, exactly, the fuck was going on.
four out of five stars from me.
i like the idea of a book club where we just share what we’ve been reading and would love to participate! or even if we all decide to read the same thing, i just like getting recommendations from new folks about things that i might not have heard of or thought about. so i guess my vote would be 2 or 3 above.
It’s a beaut!