• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • [Repost]The FirefoxCSS archive really should be maintained; it is a unique source of info even though many codes are partially outdated.

    However, for a long time, the discussions on that sub have been dominated by spammers requesting support for extensions, or showing off useless personal setups.

    Then there are the many posters who will not engage in a discussion on css code, simply expecting a quick fix regardless of the complexity of the issue; not to mention the many efforts by contributers which go unanswered.

    Since hardly anyone seems to be unduly bothered by the possible demise of that sub - including our very own MrOtherGuy ;) - I assume that there is little if any interest in discussing the finer points of Firefox specific CSS coding.

  • Well, have you tried the code?

    It might interfere with the css style, which is creating its own navbar shadow, but that might be (partially?) overriden by current Fx versions anyways. The issue has been discussed in a couple of other forums, seems like the code for that shadow has changed recently.

    Again, maybe give this a shot, which has worked for some other users; to be safe put it at the bottom of your userChrome.css, shouldn’t matter though:

    #nav-bar:-moz-lwtheme {
       box-shadow: none !important;

  • I’m not quite sure what the issue might be, chances are this fedia thing isn’t showing me any code or screenshots you might have added to your post.

    Just a very wild guess, could it be the nav-bar shadow, which could previously be removed with something like that:

    #nav-bar:-moz-lwtheme {
      box-shadow: none !important;

    Maybe check if there is a that shadow listed in the browser tools, and if so how it is applied in FX123; also if the issue occurs with every theme, or just the ones that are not native Fx or system themes.