• 21 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • laxsill@aggregatet.orgOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlTips on distro for gaming
    2 months ago

    I never got around to writing it, but I’ll share a couple of things shortly.

    1. I tried two gaming profiled systems: bazzite and manjaro. The systems in themselves worked great and the gaming was good. But I had some other systems I needed for work that I just couldn’t get to run smoothly. I think the biggest problem was Dropbox. One of the systems used a file management protocol or whatever it’s called that Dropbox didn’t work with at all. I ended up installing Ubuntu and it worked pretty well out of the box there. And the gaming is actually working great.

    2. when I installed Ubuntu, I also installed some kind of community built steam app. Extremely buggy. I replaced it with the official steam app and now it’s extremely smooth. Very little difference to gaming on windows except of course that everything in the system and ui is a little bit quicker, including the games.

    3. more games work on Ubuntu than are marked as Linux compatible by steam. I’ve tested a lot of games I already own and they usually work.

    4. the only thing I haven’t been able to get running is my (Swedish) book keeping system. I think I just need to get more comfortable with wine and I’ll probably get it working. We’ll see. I keep a small windows partition specifically for book keeping.

  • Äntligen igång! Lite senare än er andra. Tycker att det är spännande hur Doctorow långsam bygger upp en föraning till de spänningar som jag misstänker kommer utgöra drama senare i boken. Det handlar om att huvudpersonen och hans kompisar har en syn på politik som visserligen är yttervänster men 1) har en extremt naiv syn på staten och 2) helt och hållet alienerar högern. I konfrontationen med Ana-Lucia (om jag minns hennes namn rätt, sitter på lekplatsen och skriver) konfronteras huvudpersonen med det. Misstänker att det kommer fördjupas. När är nästa diskussion?