its harder to grasp because the autism spectrum is composed of medical symptoms instead of sexual preferences, being open about your limitations and what makes you break down sounds pretty scary to me
venezuela, i like cartoons
its harder to grasp because the autism spectrum is composed of medical symptoms instead of sexual preferences, being open about your limitations and what makes you break down sounds pretty scary to me
wed have better government over here without it tbh
its a simplified example, where the boss of the worker can barely break even and depends on the surplus he gets from waged labor to make a profit, machines let the worker make more product in less time, which means, for less wage and gives him more surplus
in the case the machinery would let the worker make 100 chairs for 1g instead of 2, then the exchange value for 100 chairs would go from 950g to 901g and the time to produce them would go from 50 days to just 1
EDIT: if the change of machinery is sudden then the boss can get away with still selling 2 chairs for 19g and have 49g as surplus a DAY, until market pressures take his surplus away
if the worker was eliminated you could cut time shorter and shorter but not reduce cost through wage labor, and in a saturated market competition would barely let you break even
yeah but terrorism isnt usually a sistematic issue that goes into the factory
something is coming from below (leviathan water currents)
se que este post es viejo pero actualmente a sido probado por 3 vias distintas de que las actas en la pagina web de maria corina y edmundo no son validas para contar los votos
oh i do like los bloques found in city, id like to visit one up close(deeply sheltered guy voice)
the most criticism i have is that most info i get about the mision vivienda venezuela shows them, uhhhh like theyre suburbs, and if that is true that will be a great expense to the people living in them
nah those ones are true, i voted in this elections actually^^
once corporations noticed the profitability of the internet, they wanted in on it, to make profit through it.
the fastest way to make money through something is that people use it more than anything, make them mad and looking at drama, to increase conflict so you have to see a 12 part analysis on why did [important youtuber] fucked his cat or whatever. its a process that was happening even before 2012, the fact that it wasnt obvious then does not mean it wasnt happening.
youre also experiencing nostalgia of a time you were unburdened by a lot of things. gamergate was fairly big by then.
it couldnt have happened any other way.
now you can just hope that someone tries to revive that atmosphere in a obscure mastodon instance or something. is a site that helps with learning to do website stuff if you want to make a little shrine of those times. hope this helps
i once coommented something in toki pona and another user understood me
mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu
he didnt dissapeared, he was doxxed and harrassed off the internet