@jandoenermann “Always has been”
#Politics #Tech #Movies #Emotions #NSFW #Herpes (you too, probably). Living on Tequesta/Seminole lands
7 #Pfizer, 2 #Novavax #COVID vaxxed/boosted (so far). No conservatives, centrists, libertarians, etc.
I’m trying to be kind, but my love-filled soul is also filled with rage. #WokeAF, imperfectly so.
Avi: Cropped headshot of me, when I was a cute young Black teenager with a 'fro. Header: Sombrero galaxy
The worst person I’ve known, as far as I know; not the worst person that’s ever been.
@jandoenermann “Always has been”
@BrikoX Braking as a Service new subscription model dropped.
@voracitude It’s not just climate that she’s been so very wrong about, and you being a dick about me calling out her clownery is quite precious.
She’s done harm in more than one area, so it’s going to take more than one admission for her to make amends.
Starting by clearly stating she’s sharing her personal opinions on topics outside her expertise rather than presenting nearly everything she posts as our best current science would be a good start.
@Five She’s a clown who, like Neil deGrasse Tyson, believes that because she has expertise in some areas, that she has expertise in all, and therefore her thoughts and opinions on any subject are sound and valid.
@Garibaldee #Substack is the Nazi bar of publishing platforms, and has been since its launch.