• 511 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2022


  • found as a reply to the youtube music video (last link in the description):

    @generaldurandal3568 10 days ago On March 26th 2022, just past midnight, I was restless in bed, my limbs became numb & tingly, my chest became tight, & my heart felt like it was being crushed.

    So I sang out to God and Jesus, about my pain, my feelings, my faults and my inabilities.

    As I sang, I began to feel like a river, & a hand was on my back, it’s fingers where skimming the surface of the waters, separating the waters, causing ripples through my body.

    Then the hand reached inside my chest, lit my heart on fire, & the heat moved like waves through my body.

    When I was done singing, all the pain was gone, & I looked at the clock, it was past 1am, I had sang near an hour.

    Then the voice of my guardian angel called my name from above, & there was a hymn of energy in the air, the same hymn I hear in my dreams of God.

    Glory, Honor, blessings, thanks and praise to the Lord my God, for healing my heart during a heart attack!

    Hallelujah to the Lord my God for healing my heart! Hallelujah for His son Jesus for saving my soul! Hallelujah for every day! Hallelujah for every breath!

    The Lord is Faithful and true!

    May the Lord Bless your hearts, so that you have the will and strength to turn from selfish sins, and flee from the slaveries of the flesh!

  • found as a reply to the youtube music video (last link in the description)

    1. " @Blueb937 7 days ago I had a dream last year where I was standing outside of my home at night, watching the stars fall from the sky. But for a few of my neighbors, everyone else was in a complete panic, running, trying to get into the homes of those who were calmly watching. I felt immense peace, and then heard a song break out among those of us calmly watching, “all victory is in His hands, for He always wins.” The dream ended in a flash of light, and I woke up in absolute shambles because it was the most peace I’d felt in over a decade, and I was thankful that God gave me a glimpse into the internal peace we have knowing He is coming back for us. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. "

    2. " @theresaanastasia9186 7 days ago I had a recent similar experience! In a dream I saw the whole earth suddenly go off the grid. I woke up to a mesmerizing atmosphere in my room and a physical sensation of my body transforming in a twinkling of the eye. I raised my arm and said, “Jesus! I’m coming!” I 100% thought it was the rapture,. Then suddenly it all vanished and I was left stunned. Now I realize it was a preview of what is coming and that I’m commissioned to tell everyone that He’s coming soon! "

    3. " @MsWhtchocolate 2 weeks ago My 30 year old daughter was born 6 weeks premature with a heart murmur, and I was told that she would be slowed and uncoordinated. When she was 3 years old, I was at work and my mom was babysitting her. My daughter woke up from her nap and told my mom that Jesus came to visit her. Not wanting to sway her, my mom asked what he looked like. My 3 y/o said he had on a white dress (robe). My mom asked if he said anything to her, and she said that he told her to “be good and take care of your mom.” The next cardiology appointment she had found no heart murmur. She was on the Honor Roll, Pricipal’s list and gradualed with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and a minor in Accounting. She played basketball a couple of years in high school. My baby is a walking miracle, as is my mom. "

    4. " @Mags2790 3 weeks ago (edited) Jezebel , drug addict, dabbled in the occult , radically saved at 29! Graduated nursing school last year now working the trenches at our local crisis center . YESHUA is COMING "

    5. " @Kellyann56-cr7ib 2 days ago I had a dream that Jesus flew me over Zion. He never spoke a word but I understood. I sat straight up in bed and asked my husband, “What is Zion???”. "

    6. " @suzanneholcombe9648 2 weeks ago As soon as Michael the Archangel release his wings, it took me back to my 3.5 year old daughter. She was battling cancer and said her Angel would come see her at night. She described him as being as high as the ceiling and having big white wings and long white hair. His name was Tommy ️. And yes we are about to see the biggest display of good versus evil, and God wins! ️ "

    7. " @user-dk3yu8no5f 2 weeks ago (edited) A few years ago, I had a motorcycle accident that took my life. When I woke up , I realized I had an after-death experience. GOD changed me forever, and I would never be the same person I was before again. I would never ever be that person ,the people around me had noticed the change in me. Whether people believe me or not I am here just to deliver a message I promised God that I would when I came back that God is real and he does exist and people really do not realize what they are messing with and his power it is something that we could never ever imagine it’s greater then our human mind or body could ever imagine . He is so full of love and grace and mercy but he is definitely not one to play with .I had never felt such a level of force and Power in my entire being it terrified me and he only spoke to me in a low voice. may you follow Jesus Christ and heavenly father and may God bless you each day of your life and always treat others with love and kindness🫶 "

    8. " @s.d.melcher 7 days ago (edited) “…they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…” TESTIFY, PEOPLE! TELL THE WORLD HOW GOD HAS TOUCHED YOUR LIFE. (I have many more than this, but here’s one): Before I went to bed last night, God led me to this singer and this song, this video. Then, this morning, about 5:15 AM, my dog wanted outside so I got up and let him out. It was still dark, slivermoon just above the horizon. I was compelled to walk to the driveway and look at the stars. Started talking to God and asked Him to not let me step on a rattlesnake. Made it to the driveway, looked up, and continued my conversation with God. Complimented Him on His beautiful night sky then suddenly, there was a very bright flash of a starburst exactly where I was looking. I exclaimed with joy and thanksgiving to Jesus, and I stood there (barely believing my eyes), I said, “Lord, you really are with me, aren’t you?” Then I said, “If that was you, could you please show me again?” On the “g” of “again” a shooting star shot up, right where I was looking. I said, “Thank you!” three times. (One for each of Father, Son & Holy Spirit). On the 3rd “thank you!”, He gave me one more shooting star right where I was looking. (I stayed there looking at the sky another 15 or 20 minutes and there were no more star anomalies.) I love my conversations with God. He wants ALL His people talking to HIM all the time about everything. "

    9. “@usekarma381 2 weeks ago I was plagued my whole life with sleep paralysis (it’s terrifying and I was being attacked by something) I wasn’t religious but one night a few months ago I called out for him. I felt something I cannot describe a pure peace & love it radiated through me. He saved me. The attack stopped! I knew I was his. I haven’t had another episode since. For those of you who are just going about life not caring about religion or god….its real GOD IS REAL call out for him he will come for you too!”

    10. “@singingmonarch940 2 weeks ago Jesus healed me from Crohn’s disease last year! I was in a horrible situation back then. I was on large dosages of steriods and biologic infusions that weren’t working. I was barely able to eat or live. And then Jesus healed me! The doctors were stunned! It was a miracle! Praise Yeshua! King of kings and Lord of lords. I will serve Him all of my days! I pray all those who do not know Him call upon His mighty name and repent for salvation. There is no other way to be with God than Jesus! There is only one truth and His name is Jesus. I pray many come to Jesus so that they won’t be in hell. Hell is real, but God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whoever shall believe and call on His name will be saved and shall not perish! Hallelujah!”

  • i guess you’re not really interested, because in the recording of Shoefoot which i gave, he actually shared about what his ancestors knew.

    You call John a forger. i wonder what ancient recording exists which you would take for credible/when something old would be credible to you.

    in any case;

    The Israelites were instructed in Mozes law to have 2 or 3 witnesses to establish credibility (that’s around 1500 BC):

    Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established

    Even though that may not be water-tight, i don’t think there’s another way to establish credibility in those days.

    I realized that the New-testament part of the Bible is actually composed with that rule in mind to establish credibility. As in

    1. Up to 4 recordings of Jesus timeline from birth to ascension (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
    2. At least 3 events recorded with Jesus showing his divinity
    3. At those events Jesus demanded his 3 closest disciples(John,Peter,James) to be present
    4. Those events are recorded in at least 3 of the timelines
    5. The found writings of 2 of those present, are added to the New Testament(John, Peter)

    The above is shown in this picture:

  • Ok,

    But at least; Yanomamo Shaman Chief Shoefoot(the link i gave) said that about his own tribe’s spirit worship(the spirits being demons). He also shared what their spirits did, and how Jesus set him free.

    More than that, Jesus said he’s the only way to the Father

    John 10:7 So Jesus said again, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, I am the Door for the sheep [leading to life]. 8 All who came before Me [as false messiahs and self-appointed leaders] are thieves and robbers, but the [true] sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security).

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    And He gave promises too;

    John 14: 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;