• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Can you get into your router’s admin interface? At the very least assuming you don’t have much networking experience I’d do these things in this order:

    1 - Check for firmware updates and apply them

    2 - Factory reset

    3 - Change password

    4 - Recheck for updates in case the reset wiped them out

    There’s a million other things you can do to get more info on what’s going on and put in security layers to do this and that. But if you just want the maximum results for the minimum effort this is the best place to start.

  • Sorry, I’ve been trying to login at least a couple times a week but haven’t seen any notifications that there were new posts. I tried to watch the video but it says the r/DIY community is private. Just based on your description though I was wondering if maybe you need to balance the fan blade. I’ve had that problem with a few cheap fans and was able to get them to run about 90% more quietly by just eyeballing the blades and bending the one that looked “off” back into place. I think Mattias Wandel has a video somewhere on how to get really scientific about it if you want to get down to zero vibration.

  • I added a sink to it over the weekend, now there’s a place to rinse out paintbrushes and wash hands. It’s hooked up to a garden hose, so there’s no hot water. There’s a twist timer at the end of the hose so it will shut the water off automatically after 2 hours in case the 3 year old leaves the sink running. The drain just goes out the back corner and into the lawn. I’ve been dumping my buckets of paint water in the side yard for several years now and it hasn’t killed my grass yet so it should be OK.

    It works perfectly! I was able to leave a 6 and 3 year old out there with 50 little paint bottles completely unattended for 45 minutes while I made dinner last night. There’s paint all over the place in the playhouse but none got in their hair or in our house so I call that a win.

  • As long as you’re careful when you’re stripping the outside protective sheath and don’t cut thru the black or white insulation on the internal wires and don’t have any stray / frayed conductors sticking out after you screw everything to the terminals it’s going to be plenty safe. I usually try to make the first cut above the ground wire because it doesn’t matter if I slice into that one on accident. Making AC cords is a lot easier than terminating coax or cat-6, you just have to bear in mind that the consequences for screwing it up can be a lot higher.

  • Usually when you need something really specific like that and you’re not selling this PC to someone else, it’s best to just make your own. Get a c13 or c14 rewireable end, cut up an existing cable, and stick it on there. As long as you do a clean job and don’t put the wrong wire on the wrong terminal and it’s all secured properly you’ll be fine.

    If you cinch a small ziptie down really tight on the black insulation right where it tries to exit the end you modified, you can give it some extra strain relief and reduce stress on the terminal screws.