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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Anarchism only exists because hierarchy exists plus power that reinforces the hierarchy. That’s the part you don’t seem to understand. It’s a dialectic. Anarchists are not against working in teams. They’re against being subjugated by hierarchies and powers that keep hierarchies in place with the rationale of “just because we’re in power.” Anarchism questions authority and its existence is dependent on the existence of authority and power structures. Remove the power structures and there is no need for anarchy. You only seem to comprehend one side of the anarchist’s rationale, the one that says, “screw you, I’m not going to obey you.” You seem to not understand the other side of the anarchist’s rationale, which is, “you just want me to be obey because you say so, and I have all kinds of reasons why your say so is irrelevant to reason and logic, because all you’ve done is construct a reason that justifies your authority, which is not natural or even essential to the organization of society.”

  • “I have always been a liberal radical, an individualist and an anarchist. In the first place, I am an enemy of the Church; in the second place, I am an enemy of the State. When these great powers are in conflict I am a partisan of the State as against the Church, but on the day of the State’s triumph, I shall become an enemy of the State. If I had lived during the French Revolution, I should have been an internationalist of the school of Anacharsis Cloots; during the struggle for liberty, I should have been one of the Carbonieri.” - Pío Baroja, anarchist and novelist. To stand on equal ground everyone needs to adapt to the ever shifting ground in cooperation, to help each other and themselves to stand on it equally.