Lol, that’s mostly what I do with my SDR, although lately I’ve been watching the ISS SSTV experiment.
(formerly grumpycatmakepics, wholetdadogeout on reddit)
Lol, that’s mostly what I do with my SDR, although lately I’ve been watching the ISS SSTV experiment.
First operating system I ever used was probably Windows XP, first Linux distro was probably either Ubuntu or Puppy Linux on an old laptop (I remember trying out the Ubuntu web demo back in like 2014.)
Ive been enjoying Lemmy again after uninstalling reddit after growing tired of seeing nothing but bad news in my feed (probably something I could fix but at the same time I was supposed to have left the site anyways), reddit still has the edge in content but Lemmy is still a good time killer for me.
what’s normal pregnant than? boy pregnant?
Last I checked my desktop was probably on for like 5 or 6 days, I’ll have to check it tommorow, but I’ve gotten over a month before having to reboot for updates, also I usually just put my system to sleep when I go to bed(was trying to get around slow HDD boot times, I now have NVME but haven’t broken the habit, plus nvidia drivers are being buggy and my viewport settings keep getting g reset upon reboot, plus I like to resume where I left off)
The current things I have them for is an internet traffic monitor and reminders to do things (usually just one thing in there), the traffic monitor might as well be in the status bar instead but I can’t get it there, and I like to have the reminders persistent so I don’t accidentally get rid of them and forget about them
yea, not sure if it was clogged or what, but filament seemed to string from the side of the nozzle, almost like there was a tiny pinhole or something. I also ended up replacing the connector that goes between the hotend and the Bowden tube and also removed a small section of the tube that was in the hot end. Haven’t had issues since (I think we tried tuning it the best we could, and the nozzle was just the final step that got rid of the stringing fully)
I also found that changing the nozzle on my Neptune 2 pretty much solved my stringing issue, although since this printer is only probably a month old that shouldn’t be an issue yet, so just throwing it out there. Although there are a lot of variables that affect it too, it probably took me several months off and on to tune my printer (on klipper firmware) with help.
there is no meme, just probably an advertisement bot
Man I need to revisit that someday, I forgot about this scene lol