Good app thank you for the suggest! I hope they will add also the ability to mark read while scrolling. I’m used to read through Feedme app, but since it isn’t opensource this one could replace it at all!
Good app thank you for the suggest! I hope they will add also the ability to mark read while scrolling. I’m used to read through Feedme app, but since it isn’t opensource this one could replace it at all!
Ottima notizia!!
Ciao, ottimo! È comoda eventualmente anche la sincronizzazione tramite Nextcloud, che di per sé è sempre tramite WebDAV.
Hi, do you know if something similar is feasible also under Openwrt?
Thanks, I guessed that you can identify, maybe with openwrt, the torrent traffic, in order to bind the qos rule to torrent.
Ook thanks! That the same of making whole torrent’s traffic deprioritized on qos right?
Hi, but even if you send torrent traffic through the vpn the wan connection at home would be affected too, if I’m right.
Maybe you can take a look at stremio (with torrentio addon Link addons).
Ciao, ho riprovato il fork, però aveva sia problemi di layout, che di sincrozzazione, quindi al momento son tornato sull’originale diciamo. A te nessun problema?