In the streets I’m a leftist from Ohio & an IATSE stagehand.
On the sheets I’m a duergar dwarf swashbuckling rogue named Fargrim. #5e
I love my pets, I enjoy live music, and I’m a cannabis legalization advocate.
Do you just make things up and pretend they’re true?
I’m a consultant for blood patterns left at violent crime scenes like this one.
Dexter morgan
You’re a neurodivergent experiencing schizophrenic episodes like this one.
Brandon Sanderson is awesome. I recommend starting with the mystborn books, but stormlight are good as well. They’re both part of the cosmere, a universe created by Sanderson. Many other books as well.
I’ve never skipped an opening credits more than enterprise.
First time I turned it on, when the credits started, I just turned it off. Didn’t come back for months.
Turns out to be a great show. Worst theme in history