Uh, someone needs to generate a picture of copilot wearing clippys face badly stapeled to his face like some killer or something.
Uh, someone needs to generate a picture of copilot wearing clippys face badly stapeled to his face like some killer or something.
Unfortunately, this awesome scent fades way to fast… After that it can only go downhill :D
Depends entirely on the side your sniffing at the moment…
You should read layers of fear by jinjo ito. Not exactly your shower thought but close enough to be relevant.
Go ahead and aks her if she has ever been harrased or sexually coerced in her life. At what age and what happend. And then ask her if she has friends who have. Or how often she didn’t think it was socially acceptable to say “no” or “fuck off”.
This is not something just in our heads. We don’t just freak out about nothing. Especially in a world were young white men are increasingly frustrated about the way the world “treats” them.
I have had enough guys try to follow me home or just obnoxiously trying to “be nice” while ignoring all the " I don’t want to talk right nows" and “i don’t need you to escort me home, reallys”, thank you very much.
Its not about the danger of beeing raped or killed. Its about the fact that its uncomfortable enough as is even if nothing objectively bad happens.
Might be the wrong kind then.