• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • Facism - and that is what Trumpism ultimately is - has always been fuelled by declining social security and rising social inequality. This provides the matrix for an ideology of us vs. them that is ultimately a distribution battle in a declining economy. Unless the USA (as well as many other nations esp. in Europe) solves this issue sufficiently well for the people at large, I see little hope for Trump or any of his clones to disappear from the political stage. That is also why the right is so eager to frame any initiative that aims to mitigate social precariousness as radical left/communism/socialism.

  • Hatte so nen Fall in der Familie: Schizophrene Psychose… Ist extrem ätzend und zermürbend für den/die Betroffene/n und das ganze Umfeld! So hat sich die Person ständig und an jeden gerichtet geäußert. Selbst normale Alltagsgespräche waren nicht mehr möglich, ohne dass „die“/„die Eliten“/„Kretschmann, Scholz, Putin, …“ mindestens erwähnt wurden.