None of these were things I expected from this tvshow, let alone one episode. amazed.
looking good, looking good. Can’t wait to make it my main frontend. Keep up the great work
It’s about to get messy, love it.
Great work making Cyclops cool again. The sky dive was my favourite scene in this episode.
I posted about it in this community, it’s got a link to the github comment regarding the matter.
They rolled it back, and delayed the hard requirement to next year.
After a quick skim, my favs:
Inline completions for multiple cursors
and Command duration tracked.
I wonder, for people that don’t have copilot, these updates must feel pretty barren
omega-3? we getting fatty acids?
Here’s an article regarding the matter:
Que informação dramática.
Tip: Ctrl+T
While waiting for the update, I think if you set scaled as your default sort (on desktop), I think it will be your default in Sync. Might work on other apps too.
Great job on the contributions, very grateful for the hard work that we can all enjoy.
Seems like detachable panels, if you scroll all the way down on the article you’ll see a video of it working. So excited for this feature. I’ve in the past did the whole “two intances sharing workspace” but as you said, it such overkill.
Floating editor windows exploration We have started to explore how to pull editors out of the workbench window into their own windows. This feature is our highest upvoted feature request and we plan to have a first working version for our Insiders users to play with in October.
you sound like a republican
not trying to shit stir, but can men really wear balaclavas anywhere they want?
My parents believe stupid shit once in a while, thankfully they arent stubborn about it. All the best of luck with yours.
What about for you? I would love a helpful verified label when watching some of these youtube videos, save me some sherlocking.
Local workspace extensions
This one will be useful for when I’m coding inside a docker container that only has a presistant workspace.
nice update, reminded me that I have no binding action for middle button clicking 😱