Thank you for this! Time for some shopping.
Thank you for this! Time for some shopping.
I cannot afford much, but I gladly give monthly to Doctors Without Borders.
I agree… At least the article mentions comments saying it does work with Proton!
Thanks for your comment!
Gaslighting is (as far as I learnt, and among other things) negating the other person’s feelings/reality and making it about your own.
And as I mentioned, it is not that I don’t see the unhealthy reaction my mind is having, it is that I don’t know how to break it.
I see I shouldn’t. I know he doesn’t deserve it. It just doesn’t click and never has, and I’m looking for tools to break this cycle once and for all.
Swindled. The host’s voice is very soothing, and the humour used is right down my alley.
Thanks for your comment. It was hard to explain the extend of it at that time.
I basically apologised for having said it hadn’t been worth it and how I needed time to process my emotions, and he replied saying that until I apologised and explained what I wanted, he had the right not to want to interact with me.
When I apologised again and explained why I’d said what I’d said, he once again made it about his feelings and asked for an apology and for an explanation. It was making me feel really confused and disoriented, and I had to listen to my audios a couple of times to make sure I’d said what I’d said.