Just like a beehive with mace, it’s unbearable
Just like a beehive with mace, it’s unbearable
Transmetropolitan (comic book) by Warren Ellis is everything you asked for, except the Punk element. Spider Jerusalem is a journalist that embodies everything about the aspect, though. He’s exceedingly anti-authoritarian, exists to antagonize societal and cultural norms, loud, in-your-face, and pretty much is everything punk except for the mohawk and circle pitting for 3-chord rebellious anthems.
It says with chill, but I see Calgary weather was not chill that day
I think that’s the problem too; harm will change depending on the person. What hurts one person won’t necessarily hurt another. People think that LGBTQ+ identities are harmful to children, even though everyone in that community knows that denying themselves is the most harmful thing they’ve ever experienced. The problem, I’d argue, lies more with education and protection. If we don’t reinforce education and rights, we will see them erode.
Then there’s also more complex questions, like self-harm. We tend to frame the question around that as “what’s more important, the person’s physical health, or their agency?” In reality, I would say that the question should be rephrased as “what does the person need? How could we better support them?” This way we can both address the person’s physical health and respect their autonomy.
I do appreciate the message and intent behind the comic, but I find vague words like “good” and sayings like “do no harm” to be too vague. IMO, we need to focus on communally building resources and support that can be adapted and tailored to individual needs. To avoid the aforementioned vagueness, I would define that as things like training healthcare and education workers to always seek to understand the individual they’re treating/teaching, to get to the root of what they need. It’s been my opinion that we only ever serve the good of either that which serves the mean (in a statistical sense,) or the few in power. By letting go of our social expectations and focusing on what we experience in the moment, on the state of being, we would drastically reduce suffering.
Shit sorry that was a long ass rant for a cute comic my bad
Okay burp Marta, just take this serum, it’ll tran-hiccuptransform your sex
Gender is a social c-burp construct, Marta, I don’t respect it
Me playing platformers
Fake: Open source is the most efficient way to get communities to push and develop technology. People gathering to discuss, work, and share solely for the interest of the subject, serves the subject. People putting in effort in exchange for resources will only be serving self-interest, and never be wholly dedicated to the project goal.
Gay: Capitalists are only interested in advancing technology for monetary gain; if reversing genuine improvement serves their greed, they will do (and have done) so.
Edit: double gay, most open source people are also wearing cute thigh high socks rn
Sorry, different console. But I’m sure you had the same energy
You ever notice how Troy McLure breakdances like this, while Dr Zaius breakdances like this?
I mean it worked. I don’t see any witches
Oh fun stuff, in Canada and the USA, the governments actually gave companies hundreds of millions dollars to build fibre optic networks. The companies proceeded to do NOTHING and the governments did nothing about it.
I’d look it up to back up my sources, but my internet connection is so slow. I’d call that irony, IF ONLY I COULD LOOK UP THE DEFINITION
“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me figure something out. I was really flattered by your invite the other day, but I’m not interested in dating right now. I enjoy your friendship and I don’t want to jeopardize it. Is there a way we can comfortably set boundaries without ruining that?”
IMO this way you let them know you’re interested in maintaining a relationship but at a friendship level. You demonstrate that you care about their feelings while clearly establishing the need for specific boundaries.
are you saying we’re inside his body right now?
Some people don’t want to conform to your leg-prisons to appease your draconian fashion sense
I feel like it would be one of those high AC/low damage roll fights
It’s the same combination on my luggage!
Vous le faites déjà, chaque fois que je suis à Paris j’ai zéro likes sur Tinder 😔
Pour un peuple fameux pour le foie gras vous n’aimez vraiment pas les boulettes transatlantique