Just a heads-up, in case anyone is considering buying any headphones from Drop - DON’T!!!
I purchased a PC38X from Drop.com, which are now defective due to a manufacturing defect, and they are refusing to honour the warranty, within the approved period.
So far the excuses they have come up with have been:
try these fixes (which I already tried - they never bothered to properly read my email)
your item is not in the warranty period (it absolutely is, and their dates in their email confirmed this)
ok, fine, it’s in warranty, but it’s out of stock now (absolute lie, the item is ‘available’, ‘in stock’, and ‘ready to ship’ - I had a friend put in an order out of curiosity, and it went through with no issues
how about you take $15-$20 instead and piss off?
I have attached the conversation with them to this post, and images showing the item (a) is in warranty and (b) is in stock, and their horrible reply.
Just a thought for anyone considering a Drop.com purchase - they are REFUSING to honor valid warranties. Stay safe out there everyone.
The idea of Massdrop was you give up a whole bunch of consumer rights for a good deal.
That and waiting a lonnnnngggg time to get anything you ordered
Drop hardly uses the group buy model anymore. Their popular products are sold as a typical store does. At the same time, in the keyboard space which drop is also big in, there are plenty of vendors using the group buy model who do offer better consumer protection and customer service despite having much less capital.
This isn’t mass drop anymore. These headphones aren’t a group buy. Times have changed, so shall the circumstances surrounding defects.
For all intents and purposes this is just a normal retailer.