Can someone please calmly explain how blocking a freeway across an ocean and a country on a different continent, is supposed to have any effect on a political issue in the middle east?

    9 months ago

    A lot of what these protests are trying to do is make it harder to ignore the reality of what is happening.

    Now I agree these kind of protests don’t gain support. But they’re not trying to win support: they’re trying to make people aware of the problem as one that shosuldn’t be ignored.

    The gamble is the cause is important enough and sympathetic enough that forcing people to be aware of it might get people towards political action. Even if it is just calling their representstive and going ‘wtf’.

    For Americans every dollar we earn at work and every cent of tax we pay is a contributing factor in the conflict. But many are aware and think that is just fine. That is my personal concern with this protest: a lot of Americans are completely stoked about it and protesting just makes them shrug and go ‘purple hairs lol’.

      9 months ago

      Yes, they’re banking on the “no such thing as bad publicity” mantra and willing to risk jail time for that.

      I think there are better ways of doing that, and I also don’t think this is the right time to do it. We’re not directly involved in that war, we’re merely selling weapons and keeping ships in the area to discourage the conflict from spreading. This isn’t like Vietnam where we’re literally the ones doing the killing.

      I agree that Palestine should be free, but not with Hamas in control. Hamas is a terrorist org that networks with other terrorist orgs, and if they gain independence, they’ll continue terrorism. Fatah isn’t much better, but they seem quite a bit more reasonable and perhaps should be courted in negotiations for an independent Israel. Regardless, any independent Palestine must recognize Israel’s legitimacy or it’s not going to happen.