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Seriously impressive on the part of the Houthis.
They’ve done more than anyone for Palestine.
That we know of
Scenes when Ansarallah is the reason we finally get HSR in Europe
hehe… Didn’t Stalin get his start robbing trains?
indeed he did
Unfortunately Piłsudski too.
Literally all they had to do was stop doing genocide, and they couldn’t even do that.
they would rather go environment friendly than stop genocide. this shows how bloodthirsty they are.
Accidental positive side effect is that trains generally pollute less than ferry
Really depends on type of ships and trains and used routes, TBH.
Interesting article but it failed to provide evidence showing that rail freight was increasing because of Houthi attacks. The closest they came was quoting the company president saying the number of inquires had doubled. Well did those inquiring choose to use the railroad or not?