Seems like a valid argument
If I was younger I’d call him an antisocial psycopath, but tbh we could probably use less people and more dinosaurs…
Only issue is that it has to remain indiscriminate, and maybe move him around the globe a bit.
more dinosaurs
We’ve got more than twenty-six billion (and growing) just in chickens alone; I’d say that’s more than enough when it comes to dinosaurs.
Total chad response too.
The hero we needed.
Question. Does the dinosaur transformation still cure the cancer?
If I had cancer, I would see that as an absolute win.
Shit, even as a healthy (if overweight) man approaching middle age, I’d be tempted to volunteer for dino-gene therapy. “You mean I could continue life as I am and watch my health slowly fall apart or I could be a dinosaur? Can I still talk to my family? You know what, nevermind. Where do I sign up?”
I’ve never met a dinosaur with cancer
*taps head* Can’t have cancer if you’re fossilized.
Yes ,but bone cancer
Dinosaur fossils with signs of cancer have been found.
And birds can get cancer too, of course.
Wow, very interesting!
I would like to see how this thing develops, were I can see said comic?
Amazing Adult Fantasy
Sounds like a 70s porn mag tbh…
It’s like this Active Adult Community we drive by on our way to our favorite campsite.
Since we’re not all dinosaurs right now, it’s safe to assume that his plans were thwarted.
deleted by creator
Real dinosaurs have feathers, you scaly bitch!
read this with the gingerbread man voice. nice pfp btw
deleted by creator
It’s part of Spider-Man & the X-Men.
Figured, guy looks like stegron, which i assume is him
Stegron is, somehow, a whole other (yet remarkably similar) character, with practically the same goals, so it’s easy to confuse them.
(Frankly, sounds like Len Wein and Gil Kane might have forgotten Sauron existed and independently reinvented him, from how similar they are; there must’ve been something about turning people into dinosaurs in the early Marvel zeitgeist, I suppose, since they’re both quite ancient characters, Sauron having been created in 1969 and Stegron in 1974…)
My mistake, youre right. Its sauron that was on savage island
I read this issue digitally through Marvel Unlimited.
I’m not sure which story arc it was, sorry.
He could charge for that. I reckon people would queue around the block to be turned into sentient dinosaurs. He could be one rich dino dude with huge fanbase of folks who’ve got his product and idolize him. That’s bound to work out well for everyone…
Free cancer treatment. You gotta pay to be a dino tho.
Absolutely. That’s the thing that always gets me about so many ‘villains’, they could inevitability gain their desired ends much more easily by being ‘good’ but persist in being evil.
What if cancer could be cured by turning the patient into a dinosaur?
Ever heard of a dino with cancer?
According to the American Museum of Natural History of New York, depending on the dinosaur species, they didn’t have the same pteryx to develop a cancer.
Pretty sure that’s from the spiderman x-men crossover where spiderman becomes a teacher at Xavier’s. It’s a pretty short run with just a few issues and a really good read imo.
Mad paleontologist doesn’t know that Pterosaurs (which he turned himself into) are not Dinosaurs.
Maybe it’s a self deprecating joke and he’s simultaneously calling himself a nobody! /s
I don’t know how serious they are, but there are calls to categorise them as Dino’s.
Calls from serious scientists or just some people who want Pluto to be a planet because they don’t know what’s going on?
Can you link me so I can read more. I’m interested.
I heard it on a recent podcast, I Know Dino, which is really good, btw. I’m not sure if it was the newest (as of 08/05/2024) or one from a few weeks back. It was a short discussion. Like I said, I don’t know how serious is the proposal.
Oh, and there are serious astrophysicists that do think Pluto and all dwarf planets should be considered planets. Idk if I agree, but I see where they’re coming from.
To be fair he said he will turn people into dinosaurs, not himself.
¿Por que no los dos?
Please turn me into a dinosaur.
If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life
it is a difficult choice
Hmm… skin cancer or be an ankylosaurus?
(also, f-you spell checker for trying to correct ankylosaurus to tyrannosaurus)
Boomer logic.
Fun fact this was written by Elliott Kalan comedian/host of the podcast The Flophouse