Uber, but for shovels.
…gods i miss n-gate
Shovels that are less and less competitive over time.
Yeah the joke here is that hiring out shovels is way less of a good businessmodel than actually selling the shovels to the hopeful. In addition to the absurdity of hiring out something as simple as a shovel on an industrial scale.
Dat header pic
it’s that time in every pet owner’s life where your pet just saunters up to you with this look on their face and you’re like “what did you do. marc! whatever it is spit it out. Marc Andreessen! no you come here and spit it out right now”
the worst part of this post was finding a pic. that is the least worst pic of Andreessen I think.
also this was stuck in my head the whole time
For me it gives off huge Dr. Evil vibes.
If you ever get tired of searching for pics, you could always go the lazy route and fall back on AI-generated images. But then you’d have to accept the reality that in few years your posts would have the analog of a geocities webring stamped on them.
we are trying to avoid those, yes
it’s almost like they only know a single business model or something!