Hey it looks like my kitty!
Did he taste good?
The best!
Pretty good chance eating the cat would have a more significant and immediate positive impact on the populations of your local woodland critters.
Sorry Dexter, it’s for the greater good.
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A based strategy we are yet to see broadly accepted
Dang. I read through all the ingredients on the left expecting it to be wrong or off. It’s dead on. Wife can’t have red meat so we use this for her and the ingredients are spot on. Way to be honest with your shit post!!!
And they look pretty nasty, some of them. Currently it’s healthier to eat non plant meat, but it would be great to have healthy plant based options
Edit it’s mostly the refined oil and salt content
Currently it’s healthier to eat non plant meat
What do you base that on?
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9235150/ This study shows meat replacements have less fat and saturated fat and when the meat is salted it is almost always more salty than the replacement.
Saw this earlier this year, https://lemmy.world/post/16397773?scrollToComments=true
There’s also this new study, but don’t know if there were any conflict of interest shenanigans https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-a-study-on-ultraprocessed-fake-meat-and-heart-disease-really-found/
If you’re not eating a processed plant based meat, so like just having tofu or seitan, you’re better off. But the processed patties are not great like any other processed or deli foods
The article you linked debases the study it is about because the study classifies cookies, wine, beer, chocolate bars and pizza as plant-based and then proves they are bad for you (shocker). While my study compares meat replacements with the meat they are replacing which is what we were discussing.
And still your study declares it is healthier to be vegan:
for every 10 percent increase in consumption of foods that were not ultraprocessed but still plant-based—such as pasta, beans and potatoes—the risk of heart disease fell by 7 percent, and mortality did so by 13 percent.
This is something I can’t get my head around… why is fat bad? Why is saturated fat bad? I mean chemically - like trans-fats are totally bad for you because they molecularly bind to nasty stuff that makes you sick, and cholesterol appears “big” and “small”, where the “big” is the good cholesterol.
But less fat in regular products generally means that they added stuff nobody needs, like sugar and ingredients with more syllables than Indians have names.
I’m vegan and I am so sick of this argument. Who’s eating burgers to be healthy? The last thing I’m thinking about when buying Beyond burgers is health. 😂
And still, if you are so inclined, you can buy healthier similar products or make them from scratch with simpler ingredients like TVP, pulses and gluten flour.
Burgers can be healthy, it’s just meat and salad on a bun. What’s unhealthy about a burger, you can make them easily at home using ground beef, or ground lentils
But using it as a reason to be against veggie burgers is lame. You never hear “I’m in the mood for something healthy, maybe I’ll make hamburgers.” Honestly, who cares? You don’t see people doing this with ice cream or chocolate because we already know it’s unhealthy, but for some reason it’s super necessary to diss veggie burgers because they’re unhealthy.
Processed patties are unhealthy though, regardless of being vegetarian, vegan or omni. You’re better off making patties from scratch, and you can have a healthy burger. People associate burgers with being unhealthy or junk because burgers are staples in fast food chains. But burgers made from scratch are not unhealthy lol. Yeah, eating too much red meat can be an issue, but minced chicken or chickpea burgers with patties made at home? You can have those daily if the calories match your macros and TDEE
Eh, depends which plant-based alternatives you go for
Some of my relatives have a dairy farm. One time they had to put down a young cow and had it cut for beef/veal for themselves, since it was so sudden and unplanned. They told the cow’s name, what had happened to it, what its temperament had been like. That was enough to make the eating experience weird and a bit offputting.
My aunt had a turkey named Jason that was an absolute bastard who attacked anyone who came near the house. My hatred of him made it extra delicious when we ate him for Thanksgiving.
Jason knew who his enemies were, yet could not break free of the system, shame.
Knew a girl who lived on a farm, and she had a pet sheep for 7 or 8 years, since it was a lamb. It’s her 21st birthday and they put her sheep on the spit.
Couldn’t eat any of it myself. Guess farmers are bred tougher than us townies.
Yeah… I kinda think that’s an experience every omnivore should have. Raise something with your own hands, then kill and eat it. If you can’t do that, at least you now know your hypocrisy.
I’m a hypocrite, too.
I bet you could do it with broiler chickens.
Barely takes over a month to raise them for slaughter. He wouldn’t get attached.
Killing the baby cows is part of the normal procedure for milk farms
The bulls, yeah, that’s a planned pick-up to a meat farm or to the slaughterhouse, easy to distance yourself from mentally AFAIK. Not the heifers you’ve named and intended to keep.
Their mothers scream the same
Is cat meat any good? I doubt you could get much meat off of one, but still…
laughs in chonker
I would imagine it’s not very good. Carnivores tend to taste worse than herbivores.
There are areas where cat is on the menu.
Update: Holy hell I just googled it & theres a wikipedia entry on it lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_meat
Carnivores tend to taste like their diet which can obviously vary a lot. You’ll find a hundred different answers, but mostly it’s not great, if we had something like a ‘farm raised’ option it might at least be consistent.
I do know pomegranates are suggested to be avoided, as a lot of medications can be negated if you eat them.
Fake News!
There’s way too much fat in that meat patty for it to be Dexter’s.
(My internet is rubbish right now so I hope this is the right one!)
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Another government pushed garbage meme misrepresenting contents of “plant based alternative” promoting replacing normal meat eating, with CANCER CELL “meat” guess what those who will bit this bullet gonna end up with? xD…
Cancer cells are regular cells aren’t they?
What’s the difference?
Yes, yes, let’s get you to bed grandma