It wouldn’t be fair to have your felony conviction negatively impact your opportunities. This is how justice works right?
There’s no impropriety about sending a convicted felon to prison just before an election. He has already been convicted. The fact that he is the nominee is irrelevant. RNC should have thought about that before they picked a guy they knew would likely end up behind bars for all the criminal acts he committed.
Now Trump will say he “won” the case, just like he did with the classified documents case. Corrupt judges all the way down.
To be fair, would you want to be the judge that threw him in jail when the military comes to break him out following an election victory? Looking into America from the outside, people are hedging their bets with possible dictatorship.
If he gets
electedinto the White House, that’s going to happen anyway. His entire thing is revenge, and these fuckers are submitting prematurely.YES
I sure hope his record holds.
Don’t be in a position of power of you’re a fucking coward then.
There are far more positions with power over people than there are good people mentaly equiped to fill them. Your comment is incredibly naive.
what the fuck, he was convicted, who gives a flying shit about his fucking candidacy.
Louder, so those in the
southback can hear itDo you think only southerners are trumpers for some reason?
I agree. The Bible belt still contributes to our problems, of course. But the rust belt really fucked us in 2016.
No, sadly, we were fucked by the electoral college
I’m stating it right now. I am officially running for President in the 2024, 2028, 2032, and 2036 elections. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of impropriety and not show political bias, the criminal court system cannot send me to jail until after the 2036 election, regardless of what crimes I commit or am convicted of in the mean time. The crimes I commit between now and then are irrelevant. I mean, you can convict me of those crimes if you’d like. You just can’t punish me for it because I’m a Presidential Candidate under the Trump standard set forth by this judge.
This act of “not showing bias” goes to show the exact bias that the entire court system continues to give to Trump: giving him special privileges that exactly zero other people in this country would have extended to them in the same situation. And in one fell swoop, Merchan shows that he’s absolutely no better than the rest of them; when push comes to shove, every single one of them will go out of their way to avoid holding Trump accountable for anything, all the while wondering why he keeps doing it.
He’s doing it because it works. He’s doing it because you let him. He’s doing it because you are unwilling to do anything to stop him.
And he’s going to keep doing it because you continue to let him win. Fuck this judge and fuck every other judge who continues to rule that Trump gets special treatment as if it’s some kind of fucking birthright.
Showing plenty of bias by showering the felon with gratuitous delay and deference benefits.
Why are you only running through the 2036 election? Are you already 90? Why stop when you’re 102?
I just haven’t filled out the paperwork yet. I’ve got 12 years. I’ve got time.
This is an astounding level of bullshit even from a country that gives its full throated support to anyone with a net worth in the 7 figures or greater.
A million bucks isn’t worth a million bucks anymore. $1,000,000 might net you $75,000 in yearly interest, before taxes. What kind of purchasing power is that going to be at retirement?
A worker earning $36 an hour wouldn’t make $75,000 a year.
The millionaires are fine.
You know how much insurance costs on a Ferrari?
…/s. Any Replacements fans out there?
$33/hr. was an unimaginable amount of money to me in 1998. What’s that look like when I can’t work anymore, say in 2040? How about when a loaf of bread goes from $.50 to $5.50? That’s how I know you’re a child.
Oh, did I say $33/hr? Oops, I meant $36/hr.
$36 an hour × 40 hours × 52 weeks = $74,880
Please direct me to these ez pz 7.5% returns.
FWIW, retirement studies would suggest a 4% withdrawal rate the first year, and increasing for inflation each year after. There are some other ways to go with this, but it’s a good starting place.
Probably not what you are looking for (with the limits and terms), but you get the idea.
deleted by creator
It’s ok. I’ll take that pesky $1,000,000 and earn that paltry $75,000 in annual interest for doing nothing. It’s ok. I’ll allieviate you from the stress of thinking how worthless it is to you. Yes, I’ll allow that.
People with your financial sophistication will be eating cat food out a can at 75. Good luck with those pesky numbers.
This isn’t a verdict, it is sentencing. He has already been found guilty. If the sentence matches what others have gotten for the same crimes, there is no bias.
By failing to do so, he has at best delayed justice, and if Trump should win, has essentially nullified the jury’s verdict.
This feels reminiscent of Camu’s “The Guest.” The judge was given a job to do, and by waiting until the hard decision solves itself without his involvement, now all sides will feel this judge is a traitor.
This judge is a traitor
I think the idea is that on sentencing they’re just going to take him into custody so they don’t want to give him the “election interference!” out.
I thought general consensus is he isn’t realistically looking at jail time for this?
I don’t ever expect him to actually be held accountable, sadly. I just want to see the justice system actually functioning in a way that protects this country as a whole. Trump did a ton of damage personally to this country, but to see the entire court system, the only thing we have to stave off change through less civil means, is a pure joke is the greater tragedy for me.
We could always theorize the laws and voting and our representatives would prevent something like this former presidency from ruining our country, but what have we seen but paper tigers?
I think his crimes hold a maximum of 4 years in prison. But not a single person charged for them the first time has gotten prison time and usually get probabtion and a fine.
You’re correct on all those points.
The take by the legal experts back while the trial was ongoing all said with no priors and it being nonviolent crime that none of them expected him to see prison.
But if we never get him convicted of any crimes, it won’t matter very much.
But if we never get him convicted of any crimes, it won’t matter very much.
Texhnicslly, if we never see him sentenced for his convictions it won’t matter. He has 34 convictions.
If there’s no sentence, was there a point to a trial?
This whole circus is held up on the fact the Supreme Court is entertaining the idea that any of the things he’s charged with (or convicted of) can pass as him doing the job he was elected to do.
If he wins, this sentencing date will never come, and neither will any of the others. His acts will be officially sanctioned, and the only ones being sentenced will be us.
I agree completely, just wanted to make sure it was clear that he has been convicted.
Nobody else has his track record for repeatedly breaking laws though. His organization is criminal. His CFO has already done time twice. So did the lawyer representing him in this literal affair.
If Michael Cohen did time for the same crimes, Trump will do time for ordering Cohen to commit the crimes.
Will it be the maximum of 4 years? Likely not. And he’ll do whatever is necessary to not serve the full time, whatever it is.
While I am not a defender of Trump, I think this decision is largely reasonable. It’s essentially punting sentencing to the court of public opinion. That’s the ultimate “justice”.
Here’s the thing, he’s already convicted of the crimes. The voting public knows this. If the voting public still votes him in , they’re essentially saying they’re okay with the crimes he’s committed. You really can’t get a better court of public opinion than a national election like this.
Is that not mob justice?
Have we not seen the Russian funding of right wing networks and the seizing of disinformation websites this week?
Not everyone votes or can really give an informed vote.
If Trump wins, do we accept he’s now unpunishable for his crimes? If the voting majority supported him, do the rest of us suffer his promised revenge on his critics?
This is why we have a legal system supposedly. We have people who are supposed to enforce laws impartially and in a timely manner. The right to a speedy and fair trial, for both the plaintiffs and defendants. Justice delayed is justice denied.
I don’t want a bunch of biased legal know nothings determining justice. That’s some warlord stuff.
Laws are also supposed to protect from the tyranny of the majority as well. It’s also supposed to protect the powerless from overstepping authority, like a rogue president.
I’m no fan of lawyers, cops, or legislators, but I certainly don’t want to live in a place with no law.
Unless you forget an /s, I feel this is a bad take.
No, it’s not mob justice.
Generally, “unfair justice”, like mob justice is assessed by undue, unjust, or extreme punishment. Lack of punishment is not “unfair justice”. The US goes as fair to explicitly ban “double jeopardy” as it does not want “innocent “ people to face undue hardship.
In this case, the possible punishment is 100% within the legal system. At worst, trump receives the same punishment as any other criminal convicted of the same crimes. At best, Trump receives a lighter punishment as the result of the election. There is nothing undue or just about a lighter punishment.
Mob justice is a problem as it doesn’t allow for due process and proper representation. The “convicted” often ends up with non-reversible punishment (like mutilation or death) based on arbitrary “mobs”. Since the only outcome here is a reduced sentence, there isn’t an argument for mob justice.
TLDR: mob justice and similar “undue trials” really only care about wrongful convictions. Wrongful “not guilty” decision are not a “problem”
That is absolutely mob justice. You’re outsourcing the decision to the mob. People who aren’t privy to what happened in court, to the evidence, to anything. In fact, you’re disregarding actual justice, that has reached a verdict, and replacing it with the opinion of the ill informed mob. That’s the mobbest justice to ever mob.
What does public opinion have to do with law? That’s not how the justice system works. Convictions mean nothing without sentencing. This only further erodes people’s faith in the system. This decision is nothing but cowardice.
This only further erodes people’s faith in the system.
It’s sure as fuck eroding mine!
The court system is loosely based on public opinion. Since it’s unreasonable to gather the public’s opinion, a jury is selected to represent “the public”.
In this case, the election essentially allows you to get the actually public’s opinion. You literally cant get closer to true “court of public opinion” that having a nationwide vote on a recently convicted individual candidacy.
That’s a bit of a stretch. A jury adheres closely to the facts, is educated about the relevant subjects, and there are penalties for unreasonable behavior. “Public opinion” does not override anything. It is not okay to break the law just because a cult disagrees or doesn’t care. They can vote for change to the laws, but until they are actually changed everyone must follow them.
Sounds like a fuckton of bias to me.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Not show bias, but demonstrate extreme bias.
What a crock of fucking shit. We all knew this was coming. Once again, this little cockroach has escaped the consequences of his actions, and it surprises nobody at this point. Fuck you Merchan, you traitorous fucking coward…
This was the expected outcome. There are no consequences for the wealthy and affluent in the US, only for the poor. Look at the 2008 financial collapse, there wasn’t any real jail time for any of those involved but we can’t even begin to cover the number of suicides their actions caused.
It’s a good thing all he did was be found Guilty of a TON of Felonies and then put Judge Merchan’s daughter in LIFE THREATENING DANGER! It’s a good thing he wasn’t a BLACK MAN selling Cigarettes! That would ACTUALLY be BAD!
Merchan has put the onus on the electorate. We, the American electorate must assure that 11/26 comes AND trump the citizen, unemployed by the government in any office, is sentenced for his felonious crime, for which he was convicted in May of 2024. This is the only way in which justice will be served.
This is the right answer. I’m pissed but even more motivated to make the ballot his sentencing.
Even though the delay itself feels like a crime, I agree that voters giving Republicans a clear trouncing this November will accelerate their irrelevance, and make more severe Trump’s sentence. If clear enough, the entire house of cards could come tumbling down.
If clear enough, the entire house of cards could come tumbling down.
OR, since we’ve once again given special legal protections to the rich and powerful, no matter how repugnant, providing another example of how our justice system works so very differently when you aren’t one of the little guys, Trump gets elected, then there’s the whole “ZOMG but now he’s president-elect” pearl clutching and hand wringing that causes further delays, then he’s inaugurated, and then I eventually get to die of old age with a dictator in charge while watching my country slowly morph into something like a mix of Gilead and the German-occupied former-US from Man in the High Castle.
Let me know how I vote even harder than I was already planning to vote. I’m really curious.
Merchan has put the onus on the electorate.
Yeah, to go to his house with torches and pitchforks and run him out of town on a rail for not doing his goddamn job!
I remember this same spiel about Mueller, and the people rebuked trump then, yet still we are here. Again. At least Mueller had a reasonable argument with trump being the sitting president.
And, I think it’s largely a reasonable decision.
This election is the ultimate court of public opinion.
That’s bullshit. Sentence the asshole now. He’ll flee the country otherwise
If he wants to flee the country I’ll buy him a 1-way ticket right now.
Eh, Putin can have his dog back. Just make sure he doesn’t come back.
As long as he’s gone…
Were going to not show bias by being overwhelmingly biased towards this one person.
“Justice delayed is justice denied”
Neutrality only helps the fascist
I’m starting to think that the neo-liberals are on their side secretly.