Yes that explains the South and the Aryan Nations in the NW. They were a given in this scenario. I have plenty of experience and a little too much understanding of both.
Party of Hate. For them it’s racial, religious, and cultural.
And that’s how the orange turd built a cult…but constantly whining and complaining when Obama was elected. 8 years of slowly stroking the flames, birther crap, pointing out every single minor inconvenience and a failure of the president.
It’s the dixiecrats after we took the one thing they loved: Jim Crow and their ability to be superior to anyone who isn’t white.
We even dared to elect a black person president over them, they will NEVER forgive us for that, it went against everything they believe in.
You don’t understand, to them this is justice for our unimaginable crimes against them, we took the only thing they had in life.
Would be kinda funny to double down and elect a black woman next. Bet they would just love that.
Wait, isn’t she Indian? Did she just BECOME black?
God I hope we get there…
You don’t understand them.
He was a MAN, he counted, well, when they didn’t call him a monkey.
A woman can be dismissed, anything she does will be considered impotent and meaningless, it doesn’t matter.
The south has its own logic, you can’t understand without going back 200 years in time.
Yes that explains the South and the Aryan Nations in the NW. They were a given in this scenario. I have plenty of experience and a little too much understanding of both.
Party of Hate. For them it’s racial, religious, and cultural.
And that’s how the orange turd built a cult…but constantly whining and complaining when Obama was elected. 8 years of slowly stroking the flames, birther crap, pointing out every single minor inconvenience and a failure of the president.