As the Kamala Harris campaign lurches rightward, pundits want us to believe she’s just following the will of the voters. The facts don’t bear that out.
The fact that your trans refugee friends continue to suffer is deplorable, but does not mean lgbt don’t have more rights now. You’re employing the same fallacy that anti-vaxxers use when they say it’s pointless to get a vaccine when it doesn’t 100% guarantee protection from the illness. Things are better for some people and still desperately need to improve for many others.
How does the early Roberts court being oddly chill about gay stuff represent the dems doing anything about anything nationally? The rights have not been driven by the DNC, they’ve been driven by culture (largely Queer Eye and Modern Family, which is why every two bit Disney+ writer thinks they’re MLK these days), the court, which was mostly republican appointees, and a deep neo liberalism combined with gay male couples on average being the highest earning couples. I will remind you, Obama ran against gay marriage in the 2008 primary, part of why I voted for?.. I think… Chris fucking Dodd or something? [Cringe] I’m in a state where your vote doesn’t matter because it’s too late, so I don’t even remember. Obama had it sewn up failing the superdelegate revolt Schumer already Littlefingered Hillary on in the end anyway. But at any rate, I literally voted against Obama in the primary for being anti-gay in 2008, he shifted because the culture shifted.
Oh do lgbt people have more rights now? Oh fuck, I’ll let my trans refugee friends know.
The fact that your trans refugee friends continue to suffer is deplorable, but does not mean lgbt don’t have more rights now. You’re employing the same fallacy that anti-vaxxers use when they say it’s pointless to get a vaccine when it doesn’t 100% guarantee protection from the illness. Things are better for some people and still desperately need to improve for many others.
How does the early Roberts court being oddly chill about gay stuff represent the dems doing anything about anything nationally? The rights have not been driven by the DNC, they’ve been driven by culture (largely Queer Eye and Modern Family, which is why every two bit Disney+ writer thinks they’re MLK these days), the court, which was mostly republican appointees, and a deep neo liberalism combined with gay male couples on average being the highest earning couples. I will remind you, Obama ran against gay marriage in the 2008 primary, part of why I voted for?.. I think… Chris fucking Dodd or something? [Cringe] I’m in a state where your vote doesn’t matter because it’s too late, so I don’t even remember. Obama had it sewn up failing the superdelegate revolt Schumer already Littlefingered Hillary on in the end anyway. But at any rate, I literally voted against Obama in the primary for being anti-gay in 2008, he shifted because the culture shifted.
Trans people are experiencing low key genocide but we also have more rights now?
Things are desperately worse for some people and have improved slightly for others.
Genocide of trans people > gay marriage on the impact on the queer community