It’s been a long ol time since I’ve known any lesbians well enough to ask such things, but I followed my brain down a weird line of inquiry, and got to wondering about the current state of the art for the gay gals. I guess I had always assumed it was similar to the dynamics of a gay guy relationship, but then I realized that since men have both an input and an output, they can choose, but it’s mechanically a bit different for cis women. Is there any relationship between that, and the slightly more masculine versus feminine flavors? Asking for a friend, who is me. I want to know. Thanks.
Fascinating. Are you able to rotate axially parallel to your allowed dimensions of travel, or does this require some degree of bi-curiosity to accomplish?
I read this in Mr. Spock’s voice.
This is awesome! I am adding in bridge sci-fi noises. Data also works.
I can no more do this than you can freely move through a fourth spatial dimension