Interesting. My reasoning is that narcissistic people crave attention, which cats may not give so overtly as a dog. Basically for a dog, a person is a god and some people love that kind of relationship.
I’ve definitely seen multiple people talk about how they view it as a red flag when people like dogs but not cats because cats are mean. Their reasoning is that dogs will love you no matter what but cats have to want to get attention. The argument is that people don’t understand boundaries/consent.
I see their logic, but I think it’s looking a bit too far into it. Yellow flag maybe, not red.
This is my narcissistic neighbor’s behavior. He has 2 dogs, but he treats them like objects and not as part of the family. He absolutely hates cats for no real reason.
It’s a massive red flag. I had to help his ex wife escape from him because he’s a DARVO type abuser.
Interesting. My reasoning is that narcissistic people crave attention, which cats may not give so overtly as a dog. Basically for a dog, a person is a god and some people love that kind of relationship.
I’ve definitely seen multiple people talk about how they view it as a red flag when people like dogs but not cats because cats are mean. Their reasoning is that dogs will love you no matter what but cats have to want to get attention. The argument is that people don’t understand boundaries/consent.
I see their logic, but I think it’s looking a bit too far into it. Yellow flag maybe, not red.
This is my narcissistic neighbor’s behavior. He has 2 dogs, but he treats them like objects and not as part of the family. He absolutely hates cats for no real reason.
It’s a massive red flag. I had to help his ex wife escape from him because he’s a DARVO type abuser.